Chapter 24: Firelight

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We spent the rest of the day travelling towards Antigo. Since we only had the five horses, we took advantage of the gladiators' excess energy from the morning's celebration to cover as much ground as possible before resting. We had to take the back roads to hide from prying eyes, knowing that a group of strong looking warriors travelling without an escort or royal insignia was suspicious. It was a long way to Antigo and we weren't sure how much time Phoebus had left; the sooner we arrived, the better.

It wasn't until the sun set that we decided it would be better to rest up until dawn. We spread out under the cover of a forest, but we all remained within range of the warming campfire. It was too dangerous to have more than one fire signaling our whereabouts since we were in range of a few small towns.

I was exhausted after being awake for well over forty hours, but unfortunately my work wasn't finished yet. I was sitting on the hard ground, leaning against a sturdy tree trunk as I watched Quintus speak to his group of gladiators around the campfire. I couldn't hear what he was saying from my location, but we had already discussed the content of his speech. I was just waiting for his answer.

After the circle of men said their peace, Quintus left them to their dinner and walked back to where I was waiting. He squatted down in front of me so he could catch my gaze and keep his voice low.

"They've agreed that it would be best to keep your involvement in this plan a secret. The last thing they want is to have Maximus or Gaius after us before we've even saved this bastard child..."

"They have to keep it a secret from the other gladiators that we recruit too, at least for the moment."

He gives me a dubious look. "Wouldn't they already figure it out on their own once you give them your little recruitment speech?"

I shake my head. "The hood and the sash stay from now on. If I keep trying to recruit the gladiators as Candra, they'll think that they'll be following me into battle, not the royal bastard. I won't be taking the throne, so I have to make sure that this army follows the orders of the man or woman who will."

"I don't see how this is going to work without your presence."

"Was it me that convinced you and your men to join our cause? Or was it my words?" I inquire knowingly.

He rocks on the balls of his feet as he rubs his bald head in frustration. "It was your words, but-"

I cut him off before he can admit that my presence helped. "Then we just need to make sure that Rowan gives a similar speech to the other gladiator recruits. And you're going to help him."

"How am I supposed to do that?!" He falls back onto his rear, realizing that he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

"I was able to convince you to join, but I don't know what it was about my speech or demeanour that changed your mind. Only you can answer that, so I need you to teach Rowan how to do what I did."

"You want me to teach that weak, insignificant boy how to rally a bunch of killers to our cause?!"

"He's not insignificant." I mutter defensively. If only I could explain to Quintus just how important Rowan was; who he was. But I hold my tongue on that matter. "He can actually be pretty persuasive. He just needs the right words... so tell him what gladiators want to hear."

He lets out a heavy sigh. "Fine, I'll try."

"Once we get to Antigo, you and your men will be joining Rowan and Loxley in taking over the gladiator's grounds there. Use your discretion when it comes to dealing with the Dominus and Domina, and be sure to let go the gladiators who choose freedom over our fight... we won't force them to join."

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