Chapter 53: Of a Like Mind

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"You seem to be in a good mood..."

After another half day of riding, our group finally found the Romallian settlement of soldiers who must have been involved in the push back against the fleeing Galacians. They made camp a couple hundred yards ahead in a clearing that would have been used for battle. I could only presume that after victory, they stood their ground to insure that their enemy could only travel through the gorge which led back to Galacian territory. They also had the advantage of collecting their wounded from the battlefield while finishing off any wounded enemies left behind.

Since we had to find the safest route around this Romallian camp anyways, we decided to get a closer peek at their numbers and leaders for future reference. This group seemed formidable; if we wanted to beat and then convert these soldiers to our side after their Emperor was dead, we would have to know how to take control of their leader. I assumed that it was one of Maximus' Lieutenants at the helm or perhaps even Kilgorian's father, Cornelius Falco Tadan, High Commander of the Romallian army. I didn't share that aspect of my suspicions, but I made sure to place Kilgorian on guard back at the camp to avoid any chance encounter with his notorious father. The man who was once the head guard for the Emperor was sent to war many years ago. He made a name for himself as being one of the few Lieutenants to stand a chance against the Galacian attacks. So after my father's execution, Cornelius was promoted to Augustus' prior position of High Commander. Kilgorian and his father hadn't seen one another for a while, but I heard whispers through the palace that they were very close. If they were to be reunited and Kilgorian let slip of my plans and whereabouts, I would surely be dragged back to Maximus by my hair before I could shout traitor.

So Arlo, Evander and I were on reconnaissance duty as the others remained at a safe distance. No one seemed to be pleased with the idea of me getting so close to a Romallian army, but I gave them little choice on the matter. I assured Rowan that I wouldn't do anything stupid. When that wasn't enough, he ordered Arlo and Evander to be my companions since they were entirely dedicated to my survival.

Arlo walked a couple yards ahead as first watch. He would signal for us to follow or hide if a patrolling soldier was found. So far our journey was encounter free.

I hadn't realized I was displaying such gaiety, but apparently I was for Evander to comment on it.

"I love it when you smile. You haven't been doing that enough over the last year."

Despite my smile getting me into a world of trouble the last time we spoke, I couldn't stop myself from displaying it now. "I haven't had much reason to." I admit easily.

"So what's got you grinning now?"

The fact that I've regained my sanity... but I can't tell him that.

"I'm just starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We'll get Diana, march towards the Galacian Capital and end this war. Freedom is at hand."

He returns my smile. "So what happens after? Once Diana's presence reunites the two Empires, what happens to The Miracle of Romallia?"

"She fades away into history."

"How so?"

I contemplate how to respond. "I've been giving that a lot of thought recently. If I'm going to be free, I'll have to let rumour spread that The Miracle of Romallia has vanished."

Evander reaches down to grab a wild daisy. He begins to fiddle with it as he considers my words.

I continue, "I just need to ensure that there is no excuse for the people to doubt Diana as their shared ruler. She will take credit for leading our troop, and we'll even let it slip that she came up with this whole plan to take out both her father and uncle. I'll give her my full endorsement; I can even pretend that she rescued me from the Galacian prison, using Maximus' kidnapping lie against him. I'll proclaim to be in her debt, saying that there is no better ruler than a blood relation to the Hannibal line. I will personally hand her the Romallian and Galacian crowns, and then I'll vanish before anyone can change their minds. Diana will be their only choice to rule."

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