Chapter 13: The Fourth Option

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It didn't take long for me to completely go back on my word to stay within the fence. I made sure to hide my actions by escaping around back where the stable stood between me and the house. There was a vast forest at the end of the open field. I needed to get more distance between myself and Rowan, so I pushed my way through the shrubbery and ran through the forest until my feet hurt. I wasn't trying to escape; I knew I would have to go back at some point for Kilgorian and Arlo. I just needed the distance to think.

"I thought you weren't going to give him a choice..."

I swung around to find my father sitting on a large bolder, frowning at me with disapproval.

"He's not forcing me into playing a part in his plan." I try to defend Rowan, but I'm not entirely sure why. Perhaps I was just too drunk to think straight.

"Don't kid yourself, sweetheart! Those were empty words. He'll just keep trying to convince you until you believe that it's your idea to join him. He wants you to think you have a choice, but really he's persuading you to make his choice."

"Let me think about it."

"What's there to think about?! You told me you didn't want to be a pawn in Rowan's game-"

"I don't, but he makes some good points!"

He gives me an incredulous look, "You're not saying you actually want to be the Empress, are you?!"

I take an angry step towards him. "NOT A CHANCE!"

"Then what part of his plan is so appealing to you?!"


My father lets out a heavy sigh before accepting my reasoning, "You want revenge... I get that. But is it worth the risk?"

"I don't know..."

"You could die trying, or you could walk away from this feeling. What's more important to you?"

"Marcus is the most important thing, along with my friends."

He nods approvingly, "Revenge is not worth it. Don't give your nightmare the chance to become your reality. It's bad enough that I'm here, isn't it?"

I was tired of fueling the flames of my nightmares. If I were to enter the war to kill Maximus, than there was a pretty good chance that someone I cared about was going to betray me.

My father continued his persuasive tactics, "Who says you have to be the one who kills him? Why don't you just save your brother and friends and then let the war play out as it should. Leave this Empire in the dust! With any luck, Rowan will succeed in eliminating both Emperors and a new, fair ruler will take the throne. Why does the fate of this war have to depend on your participation?"

"It doesn't depend on it... but I could help sway it in our favour. I mean, can I really trust someone else to save me?! If Rowan fails at eliminating both Emperors, I will be a target for the rest of my life! Even rulers in far off lands could capture me to use as a bargaining chip for peace or something more sinister with whoever wins the Romallian throne! As long as a royal brother lives, I will be living under the threat of constant danger."

"So you think the best option is to help Rowan?"

"Like I said, part of his plan makes sense. Revenge aside, killing Maximus may just be the smartest move."

"... so long as Rowan succeeds in his part of the mission: killing Gaius."

"Loxley will help him."

"You're putting a lot of faith in two people you just met."

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