Chapter 73: The Journey Back Down

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The Commander pushed us through the winding palace hallways and stairways impatiently. Corvin leisurely followed behind until we crossed the threshold of the main doors. This was where we parted ways for the time being. He needed to meet up with his associates to update them on the deaths of both Emperors and to put forth Rowan as his choice candidate. I wanted to stop him but he was just too fast to get away.

Rowan deserved to be consulted before the Galacians made this choice for him. He was still under the impression that we would be uniting both Empires under Romallian rule with only one of us at the helm, depending on who the people preferred. Now he was about to find out that winning the war actually meant we both would be trapped carrying out the one job neither of us wanted.

The streets in front of the palace were littered with dead bodies, both Galacian and Romallian. Those who were lucky enough to survive until the horns were blown had already begun to march back down the hill towards the Capital wall. But Arrian wouldn't have left us behind in the palace. He had to still be around. I looked for a man in leather armour amongst the bodies, holding my breath unconsciously as my heart began to beat faster in fright. I calmed down slightly when I confirmed that he wasn't amongst the dead, but I was still concerned. Where had he gone?

A parade of light, delicate footsteps echoes through one of the side streets that led to the square. Children and young women dressed as caregivers rounded the corner to return to the palace. They attempted to avert their eyes from the dead, but there was just nowhere safe to look. They wore solemn expressions, but they were also grateful to have survived.

Arlo and Jeyne brought up the rear with the little ones clinging to their legs and squeezing their hands. Arlo had a young girl in his arms. She had her arms wrapped around him with her face buried in the crook of his neck, but the fiery-red colour of her hair gave away her identity without a doubt. A huge smile spread across his face when he locked eyes with mine. He was relieved that I had made it without him by my side to assist, and of course he was also excited to have finally found Rhea. So far he seemed to have the best outcome in this war: the Emperors were dead, both Rowan and I survived, and he saved a couple dozen children from a cruel fate, including Reegan's sister as he promised.

"You alright?" He asks when he's close enough to notice my injured shoulder and leg.

"I'll survive."

"And Rowan?"

"He's still breathing."

"Do I have to worry about him?" He tilts his head in the Commander's direction as he pulls a hand away from Rhea to place on the hilt of his sword.

"He won't hurt me." I assure him. Not physically.

He settles his defensive instincts. "So you finally gave the bastard what he deserved, huh?" He chuckles with pride as he looks at me.

I nod. "We've got the crown and head to prove it. I can't say that I didn't enjoy it." I look at the girl in his arms. We probably shouldn't be using such language or saying such morbid things in front of her.

"Hey Little Red..." Arlo mumbles in Rhea's ear, "I want to introduce you to someone important. This is Candra. She was your sister's best friend, and she wants to be yours too."

Rhea pulls back from hiding her face at the mention of her sister's name. She turns to face me. I'm struck with such a feeling of amazement and heart-break as I take in her lovely appearance. She shared more than her hair colour with her sister. It was like looking at her twin, only Rhea was a slightly younger version. She had the same cute smile as she looked at me carefully. I waved hello before she got overly shy and tired, turning back to bury her face in Arlo's frame once more.

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