Chapter 20: Fall of a Giant

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"I knew Maximus was lying." His laugh echoes in the darkness. "There was no way you would be taken as a Galacian war prisoner... you're too stubborn for that."

Tiberius was covered in dried blood and bruises. This was a shocking look for him; normally it was his opponents who got the wrong end of the beating. His once magnanimous robes were shredded and stained, and the skin around his shackles was rubbed raw. It was clear that he had been in the cell for almost a week, tortured into submission or until he passed out.

"This is a rare change in circumstance." I slide my sword back into my sheath before leaning forward to speak through the bars. "I expected to find you with Sextus."

Tiberius spits to the side in disgust at the mention of the traitor's name. "He killed my father. There's no loyalty there."

"Yes, I suppose it would be strange to find that you killed your father just to give your inherited title to another man."

"I may be an underhanded charlatan only interested in fame and wealth, but I would never do something so dishonest to my own father to gain high standing!" He roars back. "And I would never hand over Steppe to Galacian rule."

"Why not? It's not like you've been in Maximus' favour as of late. I didn't see any of the Tullus clan at my wedding..." I muse.

"I may not have been in the Emperor's favour thanks to you, but that doesn't mean I'm not loyal to my Empire. I can love the land without loving the ruler. I will always be a Romallian."

"Then tell me what happened to Steppe? Why are there Galacian soldiers roaming around claiming this town as their own? Why did they make Sextus their Lord?"

Tiberius grumbles angrily, "I should have known that Sextus was up to something. The weasel was always doing favours and collecting secrets."

"But why would he help Galacians-" I stop myself before finishing such an idiotic question. He was just like the fake Princess; it was painfully obvious now. "He's a planted Galacian spy."

Tiberius huffs. "A pretty good one at that... very patient. He's been building himself up in Steppe for years now, waiting for his Emperor to order the strike."

"So he was sent here to eliminate your father and take control?"

"Among other things."

"Why are you still alive?"

"He needs me, so he's calling in debts unpaid to accomplish his task."

"What does he have on you?"

"Not me..." he shakes his head somberly before meeting my gaze. "... but my wife."


"She's in his debt. Although she doesn't seem to be hating her circumstances."

I think back on Shailene's relationship with Sextus. "So because he assisted her over the years in quenching her sexual appetite, she has to assist him in holding the town?"

He cringes at the mention of his wife's infidelity. "Sextus wants me to sway the remaining people of Steppe to his rule. They've been fighting back."

"They're losing." Kilgorian chimes in as he moves to my side, relaying our findings of the piles of bodies littering the streets.

"That hasn't stopped them from trying."

"So what did Shailene do?"

Tiberius gestures to his chains. "Do you really think Sextus or his men could have beaten me in battle?!" He asks sarcastically.

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