Chapter 10: A Safe Place

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We made it to the farmhouse by nightfall. Enclosed in a large fence circle was a small stable and stone house. It was fairly quiet aside from the occasional horse snorting and the crickets in the surrounding field. There was an older woman sitting in a rocking chair in front of the house, surveying the horizon as she peeled a bowl of beans by candlelight.

Loxley pushed the gate to the outer fence open, alerting the woman to our presence. I was surprised when she pulled out a small dagger from the folds on her skirt.

"It's just me, Alma." Loxley called out as she continued along the stone path to the front door where the old woman was sitting.

A crinkled smile stretched across Alma's face as she dropped the dagger into the bowl and set it on the floor. With great effort she pushed herself up to greet Loxley.

"Hello sweet girl!" Alma exclaimed as she kissed Loxley's cheeks in greeting. I almost laughed at the description; Loxley was anything but sweet.

Loxley turned to our group. "You remember Arlo..." She gestured in his direction, encouraging Arlo to step closer to the candle light.

Alma's smile grew wider as she kissed Arlo's cheeks. "You've been gone for too long. I was worried about you."

"You had nothing to worry about, Alma. I've always been able to take care of myself." Arlo responds playfully.

Alma's gaze falls on me. She gives me a knowing look before stating, "This must be Candra." I was surprised when she didn't continue with all of my titles, and then even more so when she stepped forward to kiss my cheeks in greeting. "Welcome to our home! It's a pleasure to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too..." I say with sincerity.

"And who is this strapping young man?" She inquires as she smiles over my shoulder.

I turn and gesture for him to step closer. "This is Kilgorian. He's one of my guards."

He remains skeptical of the interaction, so he doesn't move close enough for Alma to greet him as she did the rest of us. Alma takes no offense. She just nods and welcomes him sweetly to their home.

"Would you all like to come inside? You must be tired. I can put the kettle on." Alma offers as she moves to open the door.

We hear movement coming from the side of the house where the stables are. Kilgorian and I draw our swords and stand in a defensive position. A tall, broad figure meanders around the side of the house and moves towards us. A deep voice rumbles through the air, "Hey Alma, where did you put the carrots for the horses? I can't get them to settle down for the night without their treats."

The candle light finally reached the figure. He was wearing simple boots, pants and a shirt, all well-worn and dirty. His hair was cut short and shaggy, as black and glimmering as the night sky. His facial features were soft and inviting despite the sweat and stubble. He had full, bushy eyebrows and a slender nose leading down to his plump lips. He was looking down as he walked, picking at the calluses on his rough hands. When Alma didn't answer, he finally looked up to expose his piercing blue eyes.

He stopped abruptly, stunned by the sudden appearance of new bodies and blades. After recognizing Loxley and Arlo amongst our group, he looked to me with nervous excitement.

"Oh, wow! Ummm..." He smiled and gave me an awkward bow before admitting, "I've never been in the company of royalty before. Did I do that right?" He wipes his dirty hands on his shirt as he examines my presence, no longer concerned by the two blades that are pointed in his direction.

Kilgorian and I exchange confused looks, but we slowly begin to drop our blades when we realize that neither Loxley nor Arlo seem worried about his presence.

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