Chapter 11: Let Me Explain

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At first I assume he's joking, so I let out a hearty laugh. But he doesn't join me. In fact, his face crumbles apologetically. My joyous mood slowly shifts to bewilderment as I realize that he was being serious.

"Let me explain..." He holds up his hands defensively, worried that I might pounce over the table to attack him in anger.

It's my turn to surprise him as I lean back in my chair and stare at nothing in particular. "I need a drink..." I admit softly.

Rowan jumps into action, moving towards the fireplace to grab the kettle.

"Something stronger, please."

He understands my meaning and moves towards a cupboard that holds the wine. He shuffles back to the table with larger, fresh cups and the decanter. He pours the wine into my cup with shaking hands, nearly causing the red liquid to spill onto the table. He stops just shy of the brim, and then he takes his seat once more and fills his cup.

I quickly gulp down half of my drink before I can finally look him in the eyes again, hoping my gaze is intimidating. "You want me to become the Empress of Romallia?!"

"Well, technically you would be the Empress of Romallia and Galacia, but you would dissolve Gaius' Empire and bring the land and people back under Romallia's name."

His response forces me to gulp down the second half of my wine. I hold out the empty cup so he can refill it for me.

"I want nothing to do with this war." I declare half-heartedly.

"This isn't a war at all... it's an extermination. Soldiers are forced to take arms, fight and die in the thousands year after year. They are told to fight for their Emperor, to defend their land and family who will be erased by their enemies if it were not for their bravery. But it's all a lie! This is all just some petty feud between brothers, and it has to stop!"

I indulge him by pressing on, "And how am I supposed to become the Empress of Romallia?"

Rowan finally takes a deep gulp from his own cup before he states, "We have to make sure that you are the last one standing at the end of this war."

"The last one?"

"The last royal..."

I chuckle at the thought, "For that to happen, both Maximus and Gaius would have to die."


I shake my head decisively, unable to believe in the possibility.

Rowan continues. "The way I see it, this war ends one of three ways. First, Maximus kills his brother and you. Second, Gaius kills his brother and you. Or third, both Maximus and Gaius die and you take control. I'm partial to the third option, and I'm sure you are too."

"This war has been going on for almost thirty years now. What makes you think it can end with both Emperors dying on the battlefield?"

"Because we're the ones who are going to kill them."

For the third time that night I gulped down a ridiculous amount of wine in one shot.

Rowan continues, "We can't trust the war to take care of this for us. If we don't act ourselves, then we'll be left with either Maximus or Gaius winning the war and taking full advantage of their newfound power to eliminate the opposing Empire and you. We have to get rid of both Emperors at the same time so their soldiers and loyalists will give up..."

"You expect me to kill them, don't you?"

He shrugs, "It's no secret that you want Maximus to pay for what he did to your father, and I can only imagine your need for revenge grew immensely after the time you recently spent with him in the palace."

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