Chapter 35: Taking Sides

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Despite the late hour, the gladiators from Tiberius' training grounds were more than happy to wake up to greet their former Doctore and comrade. Arrian and Evander were very excited to reminisce over the old days, and then they regaled their audience with tales of their time in the palace.

Brutus and Camilla meandered around the campsite to introduce themselves to the various new faces. They may not have known anyone aside from their own group, Arlo and Kilgorian, but that didn't stop the two of them from socializing and enjoying themselves. I shouldn't have been surprised; Brutus was a friendly guy once you got past his scary exterior, and of course Camilla would enjoy the attention from all the muscular men.

Rowan and Loxley made their introductions, but then they quickly meandered off to a more secluded area of the campsite to get some sleep. Even with this late-night party atmosphere, we still had to leave at dawn.

The Antigo gladiators who recognized Arrian and Evander from the coliseum were also quick to say hello before returning to sleep or taking over guard duty for another who was more eager to join the reunion. I had told our new guests about keeping my identity a secret from the Antigo gladiators, promising to elaborate later on this matter.

Kilgorian and Theo were quick to pass out. They had already shared a bottle of wine earlier that night, and the arrival of familiar faces from Kilgorian's time in the palace gave him his second wind to drink once more. Theo did his part to share the second bottle despite his obvious aversion to the task. I'm pretty sure that I saw him sneak off at one point to hurl, but he returned to Kilgorian with a smile as if nothing was wrong. Neither of them lasted much longer past that.

Once things started to die down and most of the gladiators went back to bed, it was time for me to offer up some answers. I was already wrapped up in my cloak by a fire with Arlo at my side. He could tell earlier that I wasn't in the mood to celebrate, so he chose to keep me company as I waited for the others. Brutus and Camilla were the first to join us, followed by Arrian and Evander once Quintus and Newt finally went to bed.

Arrian gestures to Theo and Kilgorian who are sleeping close by. "When did those two get so close?"

I inspect the boys who are entangled in a mess under a blanket. "It's a recent friendship."

"Kilgorian seems... different."

I sound harsher than I intend to. "How would you feel if you let your best friend die under your care?" I'm careful not to admit that Kilgorian wanted to be more than friends with Decimus.

Arrian nods solemnly before muttering, "I'm sorry about Decimus..."

I look up at him with an equally pained expression. "I'm sorry about Aryanna..." When he doesn't respond, I begin to worry that he blamed me for not keeping my promise. I try to defend myself, "It wasn't Maximus' doing, despite his threat against you. He may not have loved his wife, but he still needed her; he wasn't going to kill her without cause."

Arrian nods in understanding, but he still looks heartbroken.

I continue, "It happened during the second Galacian raid. I tried to save her, but she refused to come with us." Images of the Empress' wavering features as she looked over her balcony to our descending figures flashed through my mind. I still don't know if she changed her mind at the last second. If only the door to her room held out for a few more seconds, perhaps she would have climbed down the rope too. "The Galacians grabbed her..."

"Did you see her die?" Arrian asks softly. I can't tell if he's asking out of concern for me or if he just wants absolute proof that the deed was done. Our friends might have known about Arrian's attachment to the Empress, but aside from Arrian, Arlo and Kilgorian, no one knew about my paternal connection to her. I had to watch my words.

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