Chapter 36: Forever My Ally

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We had been walking towards Port Octain all morning in relative silence.

I can't say that this wasn't a good thing. Now that our numbers had increased significantly with the addition of the Antigo gladiators and our reunited friends, it was harder to trek through Romallia without being noticed. Pretty soon we would have to address this issue.

But this morning we seemed safe. The gladiators were fairly exhausted from last night's festivities. Even the ones who went to bed early seemed to be quite sluggish. They were probably startled awake on occasion when a drunken comrade laughed or shouted too loud during the night. Those who chose to join in on the celebration only got about three hours of rest, so they were practically sleep walking. I couldn't help but laugh when I turned to inspect my friends that followed directly behind me. Newt and Quintus' eyelashes were fluttering like butterfly wings as they stumbled forward with great difficulty. They must have regretted the night immensely judging by their frustrated slurs every time they tripped over their own feet.

Theo and Kilgorian were even more pathetic. They were in no condition to walk this morning, so we removed our supplies from one of the horses and worked together to push them both up onto the steed's back. I don't think either of them woke up for even a second during the whole embarrassing process. Kilgorian was collapsed forward, wrapping his hands around the horse's neck as he drooled on the poor animal's mane. Karma hit Kilgorian in the form of Theo as he sat behind his new friend, poignantly drooling all over the boy's back that he mistakenly used as a pillow. It was such a comical sight that I couldn't help but chuckle every time I snuck a peek.

But the silence that hung in the air from the group that walked in front of me had nothing to do with the previous night's festivities.

Rowan led the way with Loxley at his side. He hadn't said a word to me ever since he left me in the forest with Arrian. I could tell that he was still mad at me about my brother, questioning my motives for joining forces with him despite my reassurances. While we were packing up that morning, I found him constantly checking in on my whereabouts. And now that we were on the road, he made no effort to hide his suspicions; every fifteen minutes or so, he would look over his shoulder to make sure that I was still there. He obviously assumed that I would take off with my friends the moment the coast was clear. I hoped that his vigilant gaze would ease up as the day went on. I understand that I broke his trust, but it was a little unreasonable for him to treat me like a flight risk criminal.

Loxley could tell that there was a rift between Rowan and I, though I was hoping that Rowan didn't reveal the reason. She seemed to have mixed emotions, happy that Rowan was mad at me but equally annoyed to see him so attentive to my whereabouts. She was not one to converse with me anyways, so her silence that morning wasn't much of a surprise.

Arrian had been avoiding me all morning. I tried to approach him numerous times, but he was quick to stomp away. But despite his aversion to this suicide mission, he wasn't about to abandon me. I had a feeling that once he cooled down from his initial shock and anger, he would berate me with multiple lectures on the subject in hopes of persuading me to change my mind. All he wanted was to run away with me so we could finally live happily ever after. I would be lying if I didn't admit that the thought had crossed my mind. It was certainly tempting, but I couldn't give in... not just yet. Happily ever after would have to wait.

Camilla was silent that morning for the same reason as always: Evander was paying more attention to me than her, and that made her angry. She was silently seething as she marched in front of us with Brutus by her side, who was equally quiet do to his hangover.

Arlo and I walked side by side out of habit. Evander protectively guarded my other side despite the lack of threat. He knew that I had been having a hard morning. I wasn't surprised when he chose to break the awkward silence. If anyone knew how to take advantage of a situation, especially if it involved distancing myself from Arrian, it was Evander.

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