Chapter 50: Keep Moving Forward

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Despite our major setback, we still had our sights set on the finish line. We had one last royal bastard to find, and Marcus had taken the first step towards proving himself by relaying her supposed whereabouts in the mountain range. He was given intelligence that the girl was residing in a small town called Massif, living as a farmhand under the supervision of the town's chancellor and his wife. She doesn't seem to know of her lineage, or so the Galacian spy ascertained. If that were true, we were about to turn her world upside down.

Hopefully it would have a better result than what happened with Bailer.

We had obtained a great deal of horses from Octain Port by trading a handful of our most elaborately decorated weapons that we previously obtained from various training grounds. The men didn't need anything fancy to fight with; their swords just needed to be sharp. So the ornamental pieces had little use aside from tradability. The gladiators would surely restock our supply the moment they hit their next target.

We had seven new horses to share amongst our group of nine. The rest went to the gladiator hoard to carry their supplies.

Kilgorian led the way on his steed with Theo sitting backwards on the animal's rump. He lazily played with the horse's tail as he ate his lunch, leaning against Kilgorian's back. I used to think Kilgorian had a broad frame, but with someone as large and muscular as Theo pressing up against him, the palace guard looked like a child in comparison. Nevertheless, Kilgorian never pushed Theo away or ordered him to turn back around. Theo's companionship seemed to be working wonders on Kilgorian's shattered heart.

Evander and Camilla followed closely behind, each on their own mount. Camilla had graciously offered to share a horse with Evander, but he quickly turned her down without a thought to her motives. When I suggested that she share a mount with someone else, she scoffed and yanked a horse away to lay sole claim in true Camilla fashion.

Despite Rowan's growing attachment, he was animate that I ride alone. He must not have wanted anyone whispering treacherous words into my ears, keeping both Arrian and my brother at a distance. Rowan's horse trotted alongside mine.

And that just left Arlo to bring up the rear with our detainees. Marcus was still tightly secured around his entire upper body so he had to ride with Arlo. Arrian was granted enough trust and mercy to have his own horse, but the reigns were firmly secured in Arlo's hand and his wrists were bound to deter him from grabbing a weapon or fighting back.

We were a strange procession of outlaws and royalty. I couldn't help but smile at my current company.

Evander glanced over his shoulder and noticed me smiling to myself. He pulled back on his reigns to reposition himself beside me. As Camilla was abandoned yet again, she shot me a ferocious glare that said more than a hundred of her speeches ever could. But that wouldn't be enough for her; I would surely be getting a lecture later.

He situated himself to my left as Rowan continued to ride to my right, bothered by the intrusion but too polite to say anything without a legitimate excuse. His newfound desire to cling to me didn't mean he had the right to shoo off the others. If I didn't object to Evander's presence, neither could he.

Evander smiled broadly. "I was worried I wouldn't see your smile for quite some time after everything that happened last night."

"It was an involuntary reaction at the absurdity of it all." I admit as I continue to show off my pearly whites. "Last night was awful, but we still have today."

"Does that mean you've forgiven Arrian?"

My smile fades slowly. "No, but I know I will... in time."

Evander lets out a heavy sigh. "I get why he did it."

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