You get hurt part 1

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Hey guys, I know I haven't updated in a long time, but school is overwhelming! But I have this week and next week and then I'll be free for summer. I promise I will update more during the summer!

As you walked through town, you watched behind you constantly. You hated being through this part of town, but it was where a store was that you had to go to. You had a prescription to pick up and the only store was through the worst part of town. You didn't carry a purse, since you've always thought they were to big to carry around, so you kept your wallet in your front pocket so it wouldn't be as easy to get pickpocketed (is that even a word??)

You were walking when you felt a tug on your arm and you were jolted sideways onto the ground. You blocked your face as men were pounding on you. One man grabbed your arms and the other punched your face. Then when you were almost passed out, they took your wallet and took all the money out of it. They left you lying on the ground and ran. You heard a voice as you forced yourself to stay awake.

"Hey, get out of here!!" A voice echoed throughout the alleyway. "Y/N!!"

"Steve." It was barely a whisper.

He kneeled beside you as you fought to stay awake. He picked you up in his arms and held you close to him. He ran with you down the sidewalk and ran all the way to the hospital.

"Stay with me, Y/N." He said to you as he ran. That was the last thing you heard as darkness consumed you.


You walked up to the door of your house, your arms full. You set down one of the bags that you were holding at opened the door and entered your house. As you were trying to maneuver your way to the kitchen to put the groceries away, you tripped over something on the floor. You felt your ankle twist the wrong way and break as you fell to the ground with a yell. The groceries go flying all over the floor as you see what you tripped over. Mjolnir.

"Thor!" You yelled.

"Yes my lady!" Thor's booming voice sounded through the house as he came up to you. He looked down at you. You face was twisted in pain and you were holding your ankle. "What's wrong?" He asked

"I think I busted my ankle." You say through gritted teeth.

Thor looked at the groceries strewn all over the floor and then looked to Mjolnir. "Oh, Y/N. I'm so sorry! Here let me help you." He reached for your feet to take your shoes off. As soon as he made contact with your foot, you cried out.

"No Thor. Leave it. Just help me up." You mumble.

Thor picked you up off of the ground and picked up his hammer. He walked outside and took off taking you to the hospital.


You sang to yourself as you walked down to Tony's lab to see what he wanted for dinner. As you walked down, you didn't notice that he was testing his suits. Right as you walked in front of the door, a blast sent you back to the wall. You felt a terrible pain in your abdomen as you tried to get up.

"Y/N?! Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" You heard Tony yell. You felt hands on your shoulders as you looked into his eyes.

"I'm fine...Just a flesh wound...let me get up and walk it off." You say, trying to get up again. You never liked to admit that your hurt because it makes you feel wimpy.

"This is not a time to try and act like you're not hurt. Your lucky that that blast didn't kill you!" Tony said sternly. "I need to get you to the hospital."

He picked you up as you cried out in pain and rushed you to one of his many cars.


"You've been gone each day for the whole day! You don't have a job, what exactly could you be doing?!" You yelled at Loki.

He'd been leaving early in the morning and coming back late at night, and you finally decided to confront the situation.

"Exploring the world. You know I haven't lived here for long."

"Yeah, I bet! You don't like going anywhere alone without me. Are you with another girl?!"

You felt a stinging sensation in your cheek as your head was whipped back.

Loki's POV

"Yeah I bet! You don't even like going anywhere alone without me. Are you with another girl?!" She yelled me.

I didn't even think about it as my hand flew out and hit her cheek. I instantly regreted it as I saw fear flash through her eyes.

"Y/N-" was all I got out before she ran off, me following her, back to our bedroom and shut the door and locked it. "Y/N, please."

"Go away!" Was all I heard.


You walked up the stairs to your apartment that you shared with Clint. You took the key out and unlocked the door. As you opened it, a dart whizzed by your arm and you felt it rip your arm.

Clint was sitting at the table, throwing darts when you walked it. He rushed over to you and looked at your arm. It was bleeding steadily.

"I'm sorry, Y/N! I didn't even hear you come to the door. We have to get that stitched up." He said, gesturing to the gash in your arm.

"I'm fine." You say as your knees give out from the loss of blood. Clint catches you as you fall. He helps you over to the sink and grabs you a cloth and then helps you out to his car.

"Hold that there." He says, giving you the cloth.


As you ran from the Hulk on the hellicarrier, many thoughts went through your head. You had tried to calm him down the best you could but it didn't work. You ran down a little corridor shielding your head as the Hulk ripped out cables and wires and electricity shot out. As you were nearing the end of the corridor, he hit you and you went flying against the wall. You felt pain rip through your body as you say up painfully and looked at him in fear. Right as he was about to hit you, Thor came and took him out into another room. You passed out as the pain became to much.


You were sleeping soundly next to Bucky, your boyfriend of two years. You had loved every second of it and you hoped that he would propose soon. You had your arms wrapped around his waist as you slept, only waking up when he started tossing and turning in bed and muttering things in his sleep. You sat up and looked at him, the moonlight casting enough glow for you to be able to see the sweat on his face.

"Buck?" you reached a hand out to his shoulder. He had always told you that if he started having a nightmare to go and get Steve and not to touch him, but when did you listen to rules?

He instantly woke up when your hand came in contact with his shoulder. He shot up and his metal hand instantly aimed for your throat. You tried to move out of the way, but you weren't quick enough. His metal hand wrapped around your throat and instantly tightened when you thrashed.

"B-Bucky." you whimpered as you tried to breathe. "Bucky i-it's me.......(Y-Y/N)." you coughed and spluttered, but he only tightened his grip on your neck. "J-JAR....VIS. Get Steve!" you managed out as black spots made their way into your vision. You reached a hand out to put on Bucky's cheek, but he swatted your hand away.

The last thing you saw before you blacked out was Steve bursting into the room and yelling Bucky's name and running to the two of you.

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