Matching Tattoos

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You got him to get half of his Captain America shield on his right shoulder, and you got the other half on your left shoulder. Even though your much shorter than him and you can't put them together, you still feel connected.

You both have lightning bolts on your wrists. His is on his right wrist and yours is on your left wrist. He even surprisingly shed some tears while getting the tattoo and he said some colorful language. Luckily Steve wasn't there to scold him on it. But you were.

You each had a puzzle piece on your forearm that would fit together. It was his idea for your birthday for your present, knowing that you had always wanted matching tattoos. You didn't want anything big, so you got little puzzle pieces

It really isn't a tattoo. You had a scar on your side that ran from the middle of your side down the length of your stomach. He felt bad and got a tattoo that looked like your scar. He showed it to you the day he got it. You felt a lot better because you had always felt self conscious about it. And now you didn't.

It was easy to pick out what tattoo you wanted. He got a bow and arrow. The bow looked like it was releasing an arrow and it traveled over to you where it looked like it had embedded itself in your skin. You had this on your stomach.

Yours really isn't matching either. You got the same red star that Bucky had on his left arm on yours. He has always been self conscious about people seeing the star, and you didn't want to him to be. So you went to a tattoo parlor and got it the same place as he had his. At first when he saw it, he became even more self conscious about it, but he soon softened and you cuddled the rest of the day, rubbing his thumb over your new tattoo.

You had Bruce's name on your hip while Bruce had your name his hip as well. It took a very long time to convince him to do it, because he was afraid he would Hulk out when he was getting it, but he didn't because you were there beside him the whole time, holding his hand and telling him stories from your childhood.

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