April Fools Trick

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You tried to calm down as you walked out to your living room, Steve's shield on your arm. Well, it wasn't the real one. Stark had agreed that playing a trick on Steve was perfect, since they weren't on the best of terms. He made a look a like out of steel, and made a cut down the middle of it, so you could just step on it and it would break.

As you walked out to your living room, you tried to calm yourself. Steve was sitting on the couch, watching TV. As you walked, you dropped the shield and stepped on it, making it break with a cracking sound. Steve quickly got up off of the couch when he heard it, not sure what it was, and making sure you were alright. His eyes widened as you faked tears and looked down at the shield. His mouth gaped open.

"S....Steve. I.......I'm so sorry!" You faked a cry.

You watched as his eye lit with flames.

"What were you doing with my shield?!" He yelled.

"I wanted to sneak up on you and scare you with it, but I dropped it. I thought this thing was invincible!" You said, making tears go down your face.

"I thought so too!" He said. " But that doesn't give you any reason to be carrying it around like it's nothing."

As you couldn't hold back your laughter, you burst out laughing. More flames erupted in his eyes.

"This isn't funny! This is my only protection!" He yelled at you.

"April Fools!" You yelled.

His eyes closed and he sighed loudly. " That still wasn't funny." He pointed at you.

You told Steve the story of how Stark agreed to help you trick him. He didn't laugh, but he didn't get mad at you either. His face softened as you told the story. At the end you apologized, even though inside you were still laughing. He grabbed you into a hug.

"I'm going to get you next year." He whispered in your ear. You smiled as you thought about Steve trying to trick you.


You laughed out loud, trying to hurry and move all of Thor's pop tarts before he got home. You had taken them all out of the cupboard and put them in his closet. As you heard the door open and shut, you rushed and hurried out to the living room. Whenever Thor got home from someplace, he immediately went for his pop tarts in the cupboard.

"Y/N! I'm home!" Thor yelled.

"I'm in the living room!" You yelled in response.

You heard him go into the kitchen and open each of the cupboards, looking for his pop tarts. You hide your laughter as he came in the room quickly.

"Lady Y/N, the pop tarts are all gone. We need more!" He said. His booming voice echoed throughout the house.

"I'm sorry, Thor. I went to get some today, but they didn't have any." You said calmly.

His eyes immediately dropped. " We need to find some!" He yelled. You covered you ears when he yelled.

"We can't. The stores don't have any. They'll be receiving a shipment of them in a week or two."

"I surely won't survive!"

"Thor, you will survive!"

He plopped down on the couch, lifting you off of it a little bit. You got up and went to the bedroom, went to his closet and grabbed a box and took a package of pop tarts out. You plainly walked out to the kitchen and opened the package and put them in the toaster. You turned around to see Thor staring at you.

" What?" You asked.

"Where did you get those?" He asked, pointing at the empty package.

" Oh, from your closet. It is April fool's day, after all." You said, smiling.

"I have never heard of this so called April fool's day. Tell me about it." He said as he went into his room and brought out all of the boxes of pop tarts.

"Well....." You started explaining.


You set the cup on the top of the door of the front door. You couldn't think of anything better to trick him with, so you decided to do something simple. You took the chair away from the door since you were too short to reach it. You went out to the kitchen and started to cook dinner.

As you were cooking, you heard the door open and a loud yell. You walk out to the front door and cover your mouth in laughter as you see a dripping wet Steve Rogers.

"Oh, Steve! I'm sorry. That was meant for Tony!" You say.

"It's alright, Y/N. Got a towel?" He asked.

"Yeah. Be right back." You say, walking off into the bathroom and grabbing a towel and handing it too him.

You picked the cup off of the floor and took it to the sink. This time you grabbed a pitcher. You filled it with water and put a bunch of ice in it. As Steve dried off, you had him put it up on the door since you didn't want to bother getting the chair again. He steadied it on the top of the door and walked away slowly. You went into the kitchen, while Steve went out and sat on the couch.

You were cooking when Steve got your attention. "He's coming." He said. You went over and looked out the window next to the door. He sure was coming. You rushed over to the couch and sat down. You each sat on separate ends of the couch.

You both watched as Tony walked in and had the whole pitcher of water come down on his head. You burst out laughing and got up and went over to him. His face was priceless. His mouth closed tightly and his eyes were mostly shut. Not expecting it, he pulled you in and kisses you, getting you all wet. You tries to push away.

When he finally pulled away, Steve said, "I did not need to see that."

"Tony! You got me all wet!" You said.

"That's what you get." He laughed.


You had gotten up really early in the morning just to switch the sugar and the salt around. You knew it was a classic, but Clint always liked to have sugar on his breakfast every morning. He's an early riser, so you had to get up at like 5 in the morning. You set a camera to the point where it could see Clint when he made his breakfast. You set it to recording and went back to bed.

The next morning, you got up and immediately grabbed the camera and sat down at the table. You laughed your head off as you watched his expression change when he tasted the salt in his cereal. Luckily, he was at work, and you were going to be there all day, so he couldn't sneak anything past you.

You sighed happily and went to get your F/T/S (favorite tv show) DVD's so you could sit down and have an all day marathon. When you couldn't find them, you instantly knew who took them.

"CLINT!!!!" You yelled. He knew how much you loved that tv show and he knew where you always kept your DVD'S and he knew what to do with them. Now you had to wait for him to get home so he could give them back.......after you beat him up.


Let's face it, he's to nice to prank. You wouldn't think of doing it to him.


Let's face it, he's to smart for you. You can't fool him if you tried.

I didn't plan on even doing an April Fools day chapter, but then I decided to. I really hoped you enjoyed this and I hope to upload more chapter's soon!

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