Request~ Sick Day (Bucky)

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This is a request from @Star-Bucky-Lover , enjoy!

It was two years after Civil War happened and everything was back to normal. Everyone was back at the Tower after Tony was able to get everyone out of the "floating jail" and brought back. He had convinced Steve to come back after a while, and he did come. Then a little while after, Steve got word that the Wakandans found a way to help Bucky, and he instantly agreed and went to Wakanda to help. They had taken him out of cryo and helped him. That's when you came along. When Bucky and Steve came back to the Tower, Bucky noticed you right off. You both had hit off instantly and now two years later, you were a couple.

You were both sleeping soundly before you heard coughing coming from Bucky's side of the bed. You rolled over to look at him. "Buck?" you asked, sitting up.

He rolled over to look at you. He looked terrible. "Hmm?" he asked gruffly.

You put your hand to his forehead. "You're burning up." you said, getting up. "You're sick. I thought you couldn't get sick."

"I guess I can." he chuckled a bit as you went into the bathroom and got some cough medicine for him.

You came back out and set it on the table beside the bed and sat down and helped him sit up and then handed the medicine to him. He thanked you as he took it. He then laid back down and pulled you with him.

"I don't want to get sick." You whined, squirming.

"You won't." he said. "I just need cuddles." He continued to hold you close to his chest.

"I guess I can provide them. But if you get me sick, I'll hurt you."

"Oh I'm so scared." he said, pulling the blanket up to his chin and covered you up as well.

You giggled as the warmth quickly spread between the two of you. You tried to uncover yourself as it got hotter than you would care for, but Bucky just held onto the covers.

"Buck, it's really hot under the blankets. Let me out." You giggled and squirmed underneath them.

"No, because when you get up, you'll let all the cold air out there in here." he whined. "Plus I want you to be close to me."

"I'll be close to you if I'm just laying on top of the blankets." you said as you kept trying to get out of the enclosure of the blankets.

He sighed and lifted the blankets. "Fine." he said as let you out. When you got out, he instantly covered himself up tightly with the blankets so he wouldn't get cold fast.

"You should sleep, Buck. You'll need it so you can get better faster." you said, laughing when he whined.

"But I wanna stay up with you. I don't wanna sleep." he said. "Because if I go sleep, then you'll be bored." he said.

"I won't be bored. I'll find something to do. There's plenty to do around here." you said. You reached over and used your hand to close his eyes. "Sleep."

He sighed and curled up and slowly fell asleep. You slowly got up without waking him and left the room to let him sleep.

*one week later*

A week later, Bucky was perfectly fine. He was up and about. The only contracted what he had. You knew you were going to get it when Bucky made you lay and cuddle with him. He was now taking care of you as you were curled up in the bed, your nose running (you'd better catch it, lol), shivers wracking your body as well as sneezes, and a fever of 102.3. He had laughed when he woke up and saw you curled up in the bed with tissues up your nose to prevent the snot from running onto your pillow.

"It's not funny." you muttered, your voice lower than usual because of your stuffy nose. "It's terrible. This is all your fault."

"It is not." he said.

"You made me cuddle with you when you were sick!" you argued, then coughed slightly. "I got this from you. Jerk."

"Rest." he laughed. "You'll get better. I promise."

"I don't wanna rest." you whined, much like he had when he was sick.

"If you don't rest, then I won't talk to you for a week." he threatened. You instantly shut up and closed your eyes, not wanting to see if he was telling the truth or not. You fell asleep quickly. He chuckled and sat beside you on the bed, stroking your hair to keep you asleep.


Well, at least I updated like I said I would. I am truly sorry for not updating in months. I plan to start updating more after school and after I'm done with all my after school activities and homework. I hope you enjoyed this!!

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