Request ~Winter Fun (Bucky)

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This is a request from @skibummm . Enjoy!


Quinn awoke from her deep slumber to someone poking her cheek. She slowly opened her eyes and smiled as she saw her boyfriend, one James Buchanan Barnes, laying on his side and poking her cheek.

"Morning." he said, smiling. He sat up, pulling her with him.

"Morn---hey!" she squealed and pulled her hand away from him and flopping back down on the bed, pulling the blankets up over her head. "It's cold."

"It's not that bad." he chuckled and pulled the blanket away, only to meet resistance. He kept trying to pull the blanket back, but it didn't work. "C'mon! I wanna go play in the snow!" He whined at her, finally able to pull the blankets off.

"But the snow is cold! It's warm in here." she whined back at him, sitting up and shivering.

"It's only cold if you're not prepared for the snow." he giggled. "I know you have snow pants and boots. Also a big winter coat. I've saw them in the closet."

She pouted a bit. "I'll only go out if we get to cuddle and have hot chocolate when we come back in."

"Deal." he said, nodding and giggling. "Now c'mon!" he jumped up and grabbed her hand, dragging him with her.

They both got dressed into some long pants and long sleeved shirts before going to their closets and getting their snow pants and coats on, including their hats and gloves. They went to the front door and putting their boots on. Quinn stood in front of the door, contemplating whether to go out or not before Bucky opened the door and picked her up bridal style and ran outside and threw her into the snow, making it fly everywhere around them both. She squealed, trying to get up and out of the snow, but he just flopped beside her and held her down on the snow. She picked some up in her gloved hands and shoved it on his face, making him giggle and brush it off.

"That was cold!" he giggled, picking some up and throwing it at her.

"Hey!" she squealed, hitting his chest lightly. She got up quickly out of his grasp and ran to a pile of snow. She hid behind it and started forming snowballs. She peeked over the edge of the pile and threw a snowball at him. It hit him direct in the face.

"Oh it's on!" he yelled playfully and built up a pile of snow. He also made some snowballs before throwing them at her. One went down the open part of her coat and ended up going down her shirt, which she screamed at the cold, which made him laugh loudly.

"That was so mean!" she yelled, grabbing two snowballs and throwing them at him quickly.

They had a big snowball fight before she ran out of snowballs and ran over to him, tackling him into the snow. She shoved snow down his coat, making him scream and squirm. "Hey!" he squealed. He pushed her off before shoving more snow in her face.

She coughed and spluttered as he pulled the snow back. She just laid there, a happy smile on her face as some snow began to fall lightly. It landed on her nose and she giggled as her nose scrunched up. "Can we go inside now?" she asked. "I wanna cuddle with hot chocolate."

"Of course." he smiled and picked her up bridal style again and carried her inside the house before putting her down and letting her take of her snow gear, taking his off as well. He then carried her to the living room and laid her on the couch. "I'll go make some hot chocolate." he said as he covered her with the blanket.

She giggled and nodded as he left the room and went into the kitchen heating up some milk and then putting the chocolate in it, mixing it in. He made two cups and walked back to the living room with it, setting them down on the table beside the couch and sitting down beside her. He pulled her onto his lap. He leaned back and grabbed both the cups and handed hers to her before covering him with the blanket.

Quinn took a drink. "Mmmm." she smiled. " This is good." she drank some more, turning around and kissing his cheek, then his lips softly.

He kissed back for a minute before pulling away and taking a drink. "It is good." he said, nodding.

She giggled and took another drink. She turned around so she was facing him. She pecked his lips before setting the cup down on the table and kissing him again on the lips. He made sure not to spill his hot chocolate on her as he kissed her back, pulling her closer with his free hand. He smiled against her lips, then pulled away. "I love you." he said, grinning.

"I love you too." she said, giggling happily and pecking his lips once again.

The rest of the afternoon was filled with cuddles and little kisses and big kisses. They never ended up finishing their hot chocolate. It was left sitting on the table next to the couch.


There is your request. I hope you enjoyed it! I'll get the next one up as soon as I can!

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