You Get Hurt part 4

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As a request for @purpleshadow14, I will do part 4 for everyone, and fast forward for everyone and explain the first things they do. Except for Tony and Bruce, I'll do a part 5 for them. I hope you don't feel that in carrying this on.


After you recovered, you raced against Steve. It took awhile for your ribs to heal, so you had limited mobility, and you needed to get out and run. He had purposefully let you win, since you had just recovered like a week ago.

"Come on, I know your faster than that!" You yell back at Steve. "You don't have to go easy on me!"

You didn't hear anything, then see a figure run past you. "OK, maybe you do need to go easy!" You yell, picking up your speed.

After a while, you got tired, from not being all the way recovered. He carried you back to your apartment bridal style, your head resting on his shoulder.


You had wanted to jump on a trampoline, even after you just broke your ankle. You had persuaded Thor to let you jump on one, and then he had joined in. When you bounced at the same time, you went really high if you both landed at the same time and did it again.

"Higher Thor, higher!" You say, childish.

"Are you sure this is safe, Lady Y/N?" Thor asks while jumping.

"It's totally fine!" You say, smiling.

" OK. Don't tell me I didn't warn you." He said.

" On 3. 1......2......3!" You say as you both bounce at the same time. You landed at the same time and you went flying in the air. You could tell that you weren't going to land on your feet, so you started flailing your arms. Thor caught you before you hit the trampoline.

"Don't say I didn't warn you." He said into your ear, making you smile.


You felt as if your eyes weighed a ton. You heard a voice calling you back, and you tried desperately to come back to it. You knew who it was. Tony.

"Y/N. Please come back to me. Please!" He said.

You could feel as he took your hand in his and put it to his forehead. You could here him crying.

"I'm right here." You say, but he couldn't hear you.

After another couple minutes of trying to get your eyes open, they finally slid open. You looked to your right, and saw Tony with his head on the bed, holding onto your hand. You squeezed his hand to alert him that you were awake.

He looked up, surprised.

"Y/N?" He said, in a whisper. You nodded. "Oh my god. Your awake." He said.


After you and Loki made up, he agreed to make supper and watch the series of Y/F/S. You spent all night watching it and surprisingly he stayed awake and eventually got addicted to it and requested to watch it again next week.


You had requested to Clint that after you got your stitches out, that he would have to teach you how to shoot the bow and arrow better. Next to him, you sucked. But everyone next to him sucks, so you weren't to sad about it. He had agreed. But that didn't happen for a couple weeks, so you just moped around the house, because Clint wouldn't let you do anything that would rip out the stitches. To him, anything could rip out the stitches. So he didn't allow you to do anything but walk around the house and sit in the couch and watch TV while he babied you.


You heard the door open to your room and you turned your head to see a very guilty looking Bruce Banner. He was looking down at his feet, not making eye contact with you.

"Bruce, come here." You say.

He rushed over to you, no matter how guilty he felt. He picked up your hand and kissed it.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N." He said.

"It's OK, Bruce. You weren't yourself. You were....well......out of control."

"Thanks for putting that the nice way. Unlike Tony." He said, making you smile. "But I hurt you. You don't deserve someone like me. You deserve someone like Steve or Clint."

You took your free hand and put it to his face. "Bruce, your perfect for me. I won't give you up for anything or anybody."

"Thank you." He said.


The first thing you and Bucky did was go out to dinner after you got out from the hospital. More like you snuck out of the hospital. They wouldn't let you go, so you decided to go yourself. You knew Bucky wouldn't let you get out, so you waited till he left after visiting hours and after the nurse made her first round for the night. You snuck out the window and took a taxi back the Tower and went up to yours and Bucky's room and climbed into bed next to him. He was surprised, but he wasn't at the same time. He had a feeling that you were going to sneak out, but he didn't say anything. But the night after you snuck out, he took you on a fancy date and ended up proposing. Some people caught it on camera....

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