1940s Gal (Steve x Reader)

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This is for @JessicaHarris924. I hope you enjoy!


The clothes that you wore were from the 1940s. The way you acted was like you grew up in the 1940s. You really didn't, but you liked to act like you did, and Steve liked that. He really did. He thought it was cute that you acted like you were from the 1940s. Everyone around the Tower wanted you two together because they thought you two were perfect for each other. Steve did like you, but he was afraid to say anything to you about it. You felt the same towards him, but like he was, you were afraid to admit it. You two were best friends, almost always hanging out together, but neither of you let it go any farther, even though you both wished it would. 

You came down into the kitchen one afternoon, wearing a dress that Steve absolutely loved. Out of all the dresses that you wore, the one that you were wearing right then was his favorite. (picture above) He was currently making some snacks for himself, turning to look at you when you came in.

"Hey (Y/N)." Steve smiled politely.

"Hi." you smiled back, curtseying, like you did almost every time he saw you and greeted you. "How are you this afternoon?" you asked.

"I'm okay." he smiled. "Would you like a snack?" he asked.

"I would, thank you." you smiled and kissed his cheek softly, making you both blush. 

Steve smiled through his blush. "A-Alright. I'll make some more." he said, turning back to the counter. "By the way, you look beautiful in that dress." 

"T-Thank you." you said blushing even darker than before. You played with the hem of your dress nervously as you looked down at the floor.

Steve seemed to grin. "You're welcome." he said. 

Everything was silent for a couple minutes as he made you both a small snack. You looked him up and down slowly, admiring him since he wasn't looking your way, so you didn't feel very awkward at the moment, that is, until he looked your way.

"H-Here you go." he said, noticing your staring as he handed you a plate with the food on it. 

"Thanks." you said, taking the plate and looking down at the ground when you saw that he noticed you staring. You both started eating in silence, the atmosphere around you becoming heavy and awkward.

"(Y/N)." Steve said, looking up at you slowly, stopping to look at the dress you were wearing for a quick second.

"Yeah?" you asked, looking at him, noticing that he was looking at your dress. You blushed as you ate some food.

He stepped towards you slowly, putting his plate down on the counter. He looked you in the eye. "I have something to tell you." he said. You just nodded in response. "I-I've liked you for a while now. You act like you're from the 1940s, and I really love that. Sometimes I even think that you grew up in with me, but then I realize you didn't. You're really beautiful in any of the attire you wear, whether it's from the 40s or not. You've always caught my eye when you walk into the same room. The team thinks that we should be together, but I always tell myself that you don't feel the same as I do." he said, still looking in your eyes.

You listened to his whole speech, your heart swelling when he confessed his feelings for you. You didn't know what to say, so you put your plate down and stood on your tippy toes and kissed him on the lips softly. You could feel him tense up for a split second, but then relax as he slowly kissed back. It was like fireworks. You finally got the chance to do what you've always wanted to do. 

He pulled away after a minute. "S-So, I take that as you feel the same?" he asked, a grin coming onto his face.

You nod. "Yep." you said, grinning.

Steve seemed to grin even more. "I-I can't believe it."  he said. "I've felt this way for a while, but I've been afraid to tell you."

You giggled. "I've been afraid too." you said. "And now that we know we feel the same...." you trailed off.

"Would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow night?" he asked, hopefully. He was answered with your lips again, grinning as you put your hands on his cheeks.

He continued the kiss for a minute, like the other one, before pulling away. "I take that as a yes?" he asked.

"Yes." you nodded, grinning.


That's another request done! I'm hoping to get these all done sometime soon!

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