A request (Loki and Pietro)

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This is a request for @The_Squish. Enjoy!
" Why don't you just tell him that your breaking up with him?" Your brother, Pietro said over the phone.

Your current boyfriend had been abusing you and getting drunk. You wanted to break up with him, but you didn't know what he would do. You had decided to call your brother and tell him.

"Because I'm afraid of what he might do." You said.

"Y/N, you know I can't come to your rescue. I'm busy and in a whole different state. You have to try yourself." He said.

"I know, I'm just so scared!" You whimpered.

"You'll be fine. Call me when you break up with him. I've got to go."



You hung up the phone and sighed. You had to get ready for work and you had a feeling that your boyfriend would be there, drinking as always.

As you parked your car in the back of the restaurant, you took your purse in your hand went inside the back door. You set your stuff down where they allowed you to and put on your hat. You were the person behind the counter that serves the food and drinks. You, as usual, saw your boyfriend, C.J sitting as the bar drinking. He came home every night drunk and mad and he would hit you and come up with stupid reasons to hit you. You had tried to get him to stop, but he just wouldn't. You walked up to some people sitting at the bar and took their orders. They thanked you and you gave the cooks the order. C.J called you down to his spot. You could already tell he had had a lot to drink already.

"Hey sweety. Can you get me another beer?" His words were slurred.

You decided to take the chance to break up with him, even though he probably wouldn't even remember anything in the morning.

"I think you've had enough. And I have to confess something. You've never had time for me. Your always off with your friends and drinking, coming home drunk. You beat me, and I think it's time for me to let you go. Find someone else." That caught his attention. He grabbed your arm as you turned away and yanked you towards him fiercely. Fear flashed through your eyes.

"How dare you accuse me of that?"

"Of what?"

"Beating you! I do no such thing." He said sternly but quietly, so nobody would hear you.

" Yes you do!"

He yanked you over the counter onto the floor. You scurried away from him and to up against the wall. He starts coming towards you as people tried to hold him back. You rushed out the door of the restaurant when he got out of their grasp and came running after you. You cried as you ran down the sidewalk into an alleyway and hid in the corner, hoping he wouldn't see you. You sniffed as he ran past the alleyway, but stopped when he heard you. You held your breath as he came down towards you. When he saw you, you quickly got on your feet and tried to run, but he grabbed your arm violently. You could smell the alcohol on his breath as he breathed on you.

" How dare you accuse me of beating you!" He yelled.

" You do! But your always so damn (excuse my language, I don't usually write like that) drunk that you never remember anything!" You yell back at him. He tugged at you violently, but you stayed where you were.

He slapped you and you fell to the ground. He began hitting you and you covered your head with you arms as best as you could. When it stopped, you looked up to see a man with long black hair and green eyes standing above you, C.J unconscious on the ground. He held a hand out to you and you took it.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

" No." You said.

"Who was that?"

"My ex currently of today." You said.

" Oh, I'm Loki." He said. "And why was he beating you?"

"He's always drunk and he beats me. I've always wanted to break up with him, but I knew this was going to happen and I was afraid." You say. "And I'm Y/N."

"Let me take to back to my place and you can stay the night, how bout that?" He asked.

"No, thank you. I have my own place and I barely know you. "

"I bet you share your place with your ex?"


"I insist. Come on." He took you gently by the arm and lead you out of the alleyway and down the sidewalk to his place. He opened the door for you and let you go first. He made you some eggs and you stayed the night and ended up going out with him a couple more nights and finding you actually liked him. You eventually were officially going out with him and moved in with him.

You decided to call your brother and tell him that you finally did it and found someone new.

"Hi, Y/N." Pietro answered the phone when you called him.

"Hey, Pietro. Guess what? I finally broke up with C.J. He wasn't to happy though." You said.

"What'd he do to you?" He asked.

"I ran into an alleyway and he came and started beating me up, but this guy named Loki came and helped me. He took me back to his apartment and now we're going out. I know it seems I probably rushed into this one, but I feel like he's the one." You explained.

"Oh, Y/N! That's great! I'll have to come and meet him sometime." He said.

" Yes you will. But I gotta go."


You hung up as you saw Loki coming into the room. You hugged him. He kissed you and you returned it.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too." You reply.
I hope that was good! I took a long time with that one! I'm sorry! But anyway, requests are always open! But instead of commenting, message me. Thanks!

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