Request- Bucky

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A request for @TheWinterWidowX. Enjoy!


Today was yours and Bucky's 2 year anniversary for dating and it's  been the best 2 years of your life. Through his nightmares and  flashbacks, you've helped him through it all and he was grateful and you  loved to help him. Each time he had a nightmare, you would cuddle with  him till he felt better.

You rolled over in bed to snuggle closer to him, but you found his  side of the bed empty. You whined before sitting up. You rubbed the  sleep out of your eyes before getting up and taking a quick shower, then  putting on one of Bucky's shirts, smiling at the scent. You walked out  and put your hair up into a bun as you saw Bucky standing at the stove,  making something. Whatever it was, it smelled good. You walked up to him  and wrapped your arms around him from behind.

He turned around and hugged you. "Good morning, Doll." he said.

"Good morning, Buck." you replied. "What'cha making?"

"Y/F/B." He said with a proud smile.

"Bucky! You didn't have to!" You said, smiling.

"I wanted to." he said, kissing your cheek as he turned around to  finish making it. You sat up on the counter as he handed it to you on a  plate, you eating it.

A wide grin spread on your face. "This is really good!"

"Really?" he asked.

"Yes!" you said, finishing it off.

He went up you and took you off of the counter, hugging you. You  hugged back. "I have a date planned tonight. Take all day getting  ready." he said.

"Buck, a date? That's so sweet!" You said. He kissed your cheek again, setting you on your feet gently.


You stood in front of the mirror in yours and Bucky's shared  bathroom. You did your hair so it was in bouncy curls, then you turned  to your makeup, putting light mascara on, then some blush. You then put  the finishing touches on when you put the lipstick on. You smiled and  walked out into the bedroom. You didn't see Bucky in there, so you put  your heels on and walked out into the hallway. You were walking when  hands were on your waist from behind. You turned around.

"You look beautiful." Bucky said, smiling.

"You look handsome." You said.

He took your hand and led you out to the car and opened your door,  closing it when you were fully inside. He walked to the driver's side  and got in, starting the car, and driving off only when he made sure  that you were buckled in safely. He drove to the restaurant. You gasped  as you saw it come into view. It looked really fancy and expensive even  from the outside.

"Bucky! This is too expensive!" You said

"Anything for you,  Doll." he said as he got out and opened your door, taking your hand and  leading you into the restaurant. He went and got your reservations as  someone led you to your table. You sat down as Bucky sat down across  from you, taking your hands in his, and kissing them.

A waitress  came and took orders for your drinks. You and Bucky both ordered Y/F/D.  She then went to get them for you. You looked around the restaurant in  awe as the waitress came back with your drinks. She then took your  orders for food. You ordered Y/F/F and Bucky ordered a steak.

When  she brought them to you about a half hour later, you both dug in. You  didn't even finish yours, but Bucky finished his. He smiled at you as he  moved to your side of the booth, but not sitting down. He took your  hand and helped you stand. "What are you doing, Bucky?" you asked,  looking  at him.

He reached into his tux pocket and pulled out a  small box. You gasped as he got down on one knee, opening the box. "Y/N  Y/L/N, I loved you ever since I came to the Tower and I always doubted  that you did because I always thought to myself why anyone would ever  love me, but when I finally got the courage up to ask you out and you  said yes, I knew you were the one. You have helped me through my  flashbacks and nightmares and I don't know what I would do without you.  No one can replace you. Will you marry me?" he asked.

By the time  he was done, tears were in your eyes and your hands were over your  mouth. You launched yourself at Bucky, hugging him. "Yes!" you said. "Of  course I'll marry you!"

He pulled away and put the ring on  your finger before you kissed him. You ignored everyone around you as  they took pictures. You pulled away and hugged him again, happy tears  rolling down your face as you grinned.


I know you requested this in January, and I feel super bad for not getting it written until now!
I also know that @Ms-Mad likes Bucky, so she would like this. :) Requests are still open!

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