Steve~ Memories (Request)

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This is a request from @MayishaLynch . Enjoy!

You and Steve laid on the couch in your shared apartment. It was a rainy day, so you were cuddling and eating snacks and watching movies. You had both stopped focusing on the movie as you were laying on top of him, drawing shapes on his chest while he smiled at you, rubbing your back softly.

It was silent for a good half hour before you spoke. "Remember the one time when you didn't know about my powers and I jumped off of the Tower?" you asked, giggling.

"Yes. I do. It wasn't funny. You scared me half to death. I thought you were crazy." he said.

*2 years before*

You wandered around the Tower, bored out of your mind, since no one would do anything with you. You had begged everyone to do something with you, but they were either busy or they just didn't want to. You walked up to the very top of the Tower, looking over the edge at all the people on the streets. You didn't even hesitate as you jumped off and went spiraling towards the ground. You passed the level Steve was on and he saw you falling towards the ground, not even flailing or anything.

"(Y/N)!!" he yelled frantically as he watched you fall.

You heard him yell and smirked as you neared the ground at a fast speed. At the last minute, wings extended from your back, ripping holes in the back of your shirt as you flew back up, not even scraping the ground as people screamed at the sudden change of events. You flew back up to the top of the Tower where you started and landed, folding your wings back in, breathing a sigh of relief after being able to stretch your wings out. Steve came running to you frantically, pulling you into a tight hug and moving you away from the edge.

"What in the world do you think you were doing?!" he yelled, pulling away from you and holding you by your shoulders, shaking you a bit.

"Stretching my wings." you said as you extended them again. He passed out right at your feet from shock.


"Yeah. I think it was funny." you giggled, but Steve just looked at you.

"It was not funny." he said. "I passed out."

You slapped his arm. "Now that wasn't very funny. But the whole part about you screaming my name and worrying about me when I had wings the whole time was." you smiled a bit. "Remember that one time when we had the contest while we were at the park of who could jump the farthest off of the swings?"

"Yes I do. And I told you not to do it, but you did it anyway." he said.

"And I broke my ankle." you giggled.

"It wasn't funny then either." he said.

"But I had you to take care of me, so I wasn't worried."

*1 year before*

"C'mon!" you tugged Steve by the hand to the park as the rest of the team followed behind the both of you. He chuckled as he was being towed quickly towards the teeter totter.

You sat down on one end of the teeter totter and he sat down on the other. Sure these things were meant for little kids, but you didn't care, you were a little kid at heart. He kept you suspended in the air for a while before letting you down. You tried to hold him down, but he was way heavier than you thanks to all the muscles. You whined, but he only laughed at you. You soon got off as Tony called everyone over.

"Let's have a contest!" he said.

Everyone agreed. "What kind of contest?" Clint asked.

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