You Get Hurt part 3

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You breathed in the fresh air as Steve rolled you out to his car. The doctor had finally allowed you to go home and you had told Steve that you wanted to get out of there as fast as possible. You groaned as you transfered from the wheelchair to the car. You sat down in the seat and Steve closed the door behind you, then wheeling the wheelchair back inside. Even that little movement made you out of breath. Your ribs hurt and your face hurt as well. You laid your head against the headrest and closed your eyes. You heard the door open and Steve get in. You felt a hand on your knee.

"You sure your ready to go home?" He asked, concern in his voice.

" Yeah, I'm sure." You mumble

"You don't look so good."

"I hurt all over."

"You can take some pain medicine when we get home." He said, starting the car. You nodded. "Get some rest." You closed your eyes and allowed yourself to go to sleep.


"Y/N. We're home. Wake up." You heard Steve's voice. You cracked your eyes open and looked over at Steve. He had a concerned look on his face. You opened the car door and swung your feet out and onto the ground with a groan. You stood up painfully and leaned up against the car for support. Steve raced over to your side of the car and took you away from the car and allowed you to lean on him. "You doing OK?" He asked. You groaned in response. "Once we get you settled, you can take a painkiller." You nodded.

You fell/sat on the couch with a yell. Steve said sorry and ran to get your painkillers out of the car. He returned with the bottle and a glass of water. He opened it for you and gave you a pill and you took it with some water.

"Thank you." You said.

"Your welcome. You should get some rest. Why don't you just sleep and I'll cook dinner." He said, stroking your H/C hair. You nodded and closed your eyes. "I love you, Y/N."

"I love you, Steve." You said just as you fell asleep.


After Thor had taken you home, he had immediately put you in bed and made you rest, leaving your crutches next to the bed. You woke up and looked at the time. 5 p.m it read. You started to get out of bed and reached for your crutches. You grabbed them and stood up and went out to the kitchen to start dinner, Thor disagreeing or not. He was sitting on the couch, with a plate of poptarts, trying to figure out how to use the remote for the TV. You could tell he was getting frustrated. He heard you coming and put the remote down and walked over to you hurriedly.

"Y/N. You shouldn't be up and walking. You should be resting." He said.

"Technically, I'm hopping, not walking." You say. "What do you want for dinner?" You asked him.

"I've got that taken care of, my lady." Thor said, gesturing to the counter in the kitchen. Y/F/F was sitting, steaming on the counter.

You smiled. "How'd you manage this?" You asked

"It wasn't hard. I just followed the instructions on the box." He smiled triumphantly. "Go back over to the couch." He said. You smiled again and followed his orders. He brought the bowl over and you dug in happily.


*Tony's POV*

I still am sitting here next to Y/N's bed. She's improved a little bit. Everyone has brought her flowers and decorated the room, and I appreciate it. Even Capsicle pitched in, no matter how much he hated me. Pepper has made me go home and shower, but I just came right back. Pepper and Natasha brought lunch and dinner daily. I've left the room only a couple times when the doctors had to check on her. Then they told me if she had progressed any.

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