The Proposal

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It was the fourth of July and Steve had gotten you to go see the fireworks. He seemed really excited about it, but you didn't know why. They were just fireworks, nothing special. But you agreed to go with him either way.

You were standing under a tree waiting for the fireworks to start. Some boys had pulled Steve off to throw a football around and you smiled as you watched him throw it around. As the first one started, he came running over to you to watch them. About halfway through, your legs started getting tired. You went to sit down, but the specific firework that was just shot off caught your eye. It said, 'Marry Me?' You looked down at Steve, who was on one knee and he had a little box with a ring in it. He was smiling at you. You covered your mouth with both hands and held back a squeal.

"Y/N Y/L/N, I loved you from the time I met you. And I've always had dreams about me and the perfect girl starting a family. And I wish you to be the girl to start a family with me. Will you marry me?" He asked.

"Yes!" You squealed. You threw your arm around his neck and hugged him tight.

You kissed him as fireworks went off behind you.


Your phone buzzed in your pocket. You took it out and looked at it. It was from Tony

'Y/N, you'd better get home quick. Something is wrong with Thor!' It read.

Your quickly shoved the phone back in your pocket as you started running towards Stark Tower. You burst through the doors, ignoring JARVIS as he said, "Good afternoon, Miss Y/N."

"What's wrong with Thor? Where is he?" You said frantically, running up to Tony.

"He's in your room." Tony said, pointing to yours and Thor's shared bedroom.

You burst through the doors yelling, "Thor, what's wrong? Tony texted me an-" You were cut off as you looked around the room to see a banner hanging across the room that said, 'Marry Me?' You saw Thor in the middle of the room, on one knee with a little box.

"The man of iron said this is the proper way to propose to a lady. Will you marry me?" He asked.

"Yes, Thor. I will!" You said excitedly. He stood up and picked you up off the ground and swung you around.


It was your birthday, so Tony didn't let you do any work. He just made you sit around and watch TV, catering to your every need. All the Avengers had been invited over to celebrate your birthday. You made Tony invite Loki because you felt like he was being left out if he invited Thor and not him. He finally agreed, just because it was your birthday.

You sat at the table, all the Avengers sitting at the table with you. Tony made you sit at the end, since it was your day. He had ordered F/R (favorite restaurant) and had it delivered. As you were all finishing the food, Tony brought out the cake that Pepper made, but he decorated. He set it down in front of you and you smiled as you read what it said. 'Y/N Y/L/N, will you be mine forever?' You had no clue as to how he got all that on there, but he did. Everyone went "Awwww." You nodded your head and said, "Yes." He wrapped you in a hug and made you open the present from him first. It was a ring. You started to cry and excused yourself to get some tissues.


You unlocked the door to your apartment and went inside.

"Loki, I'm home!" You yell, dropping your bags at the door and taking your shoes off. "Loki?" You looked around the house, but you couldn't find him. You figured he had to run an errand.

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