World Domination (34)

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Alacris Valencia

I had seven days to swivel this entire thing around like I had visualized it in my head. So for the next few hours, the atmosphere was as intense as it could get with epic music playing in the background. The images were flashing fast as my hands moved at a lightning speed across the keyboard trying to ignite the fire in the way cavemen did it. It was a struggle as my hands somehow needed to move faster with the hundreds of windows that were popping up incessantly one after another. I opened them up really fast navigating my way through the numerous software and there, one second more, and I did it.

I emerged as a computer mafioso with extraordinary knowledge and supernatural skills in more than one context.

No. That's not how it went, much to the disappointment of my friends.

I had also failed to invent some super awesome program to batter through the firewalls, ram-raiding them, hacking into anything and everything because it just wasn't possible which my moronic friends had refused to accept given their vast knowledge on the subject which was developed after years of watching movies and shows.

So after seeing me lazily scrolling through my laptop trying to slip past the firewalls and typing at a snail's speed for 2 hours, they declared me not cool enough and proceeded to abandon me announcing how I had no idea how the actual hacking works.

So here I was, ten hours after that sprawled on the wooden floor of the balcony overlooking the forest. It was after sunset now, the slight residues of orange and yellow hue still twirling in the sky and a chilly wind that slowly sent goosebumps across my skin and played with a few loose strands of my hair.

The balcony was enlightened with a dim serene glow from a yellow lamp in the corner. I was slightly cold but didn't make a move to cover myself with the blanket that laid over my bare legs relishing the way my body shivered slightly with the cool breeze of the dusk.

With a cigarette between my lips, I was still trying to maneuver my way around the security, not through it. It was proving to be quite frustrating but Evans pack had a fairly secure system in place. Well-protected systems are way easier to penetrate by compromising a person than a computer. But the people we had in Evan's pack weren't placed high enough to have the security clearance for top-level business.

So my burden increased significantly here hence the cigarette. Besides, I thought it would be good to test the supremacy of these werewolf genes against the "harmful for health" substances for humans.

I gazed at my computer screen lazily trying to find the vulnerabilities to exploit. It's a really boring process because you can't just force a hole, you just keep looking until you find one and there is still a significant possibility of not finding one at all. It's dull. The movies like to make hacking look like adrenaline-fueled action but it's definitely not. It's painstaking and slow. And it takes dedication.

Hence, why I was working as a secretary in a field I had no interest in because then I could just do it for relaxation and see what's possible and explore ways of breaking into secret agencies of the government.

Trust me, they do have many shifty projects going on that are bound to provoke some blunder if they ever became public.

The sound of a throat clearing snapped me out of my thoughts as I looked at Mr. Madman standing there in front of me with two mugs of coffee in his hands and slight hesitation in his yellow-blue eyes. I can't keep calling him Mr. Madmen now, I guess I will shift to Mr. Cadman.

My eyes roamed over him slowly as I thought to myself, taking him in like he was the answer to all the prayers I never made.

Will I ever get used to looking at him without feeling like my entire being will erupt from the butterflies that fluttered inside me?

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