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I fucking missed you guys so much!!!
Ghost hug time!!!

I fucking missed you guys so much!!!Ghost hug time!!!

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Alacris Valencia

I just stood there behind him, looking at him through the wetness that swirled in my eyes.

He knew I was there. He could hear my heart beating wildly against my chest cavity. He didn't turn around. He didn't want me here, to see that part of him. It was obvious by the tensed muscles of his shoulders and back, and the awkwardness that infiltrated the air, suffocating the breath out of me.

I wanted to go and hug him tight. Shield him from the demons that were present inside his own head. Kiss his agony away until he would be aware of happiness and hope only. Have him so lost in me that he would forget the horrors that clouded his heart. I wanted him to leave all the darkness behind until all he could see was light.

But I knew he didn't want me here. He wasn't ready to bare another part of him to me.

So I slipped out of his office as if I was never there. Among all the lies that I had made up in my life, it was the most untruthful one. Most painful one too.

I don't know who I was trying to convince when I walked away. Him, who wasn't ready for that fall yet. Or myself, because I wasn't sure I was ready to catch him yet.

So, I walked away. Away from him. Away from reality. Away from my own ardencies.

I blasted a random song on the speakers in full volume as soon as I reached the room; hoping the noise would suppress the one resonating inside my head. I stripped and stepped into the shower, turning the cold water knob fully. I wished that the water cascading down my shoulders would drown my sorrows and wash away the aching throb in my heart as well.

Heartache, the word seemed foreign and funny to me.

I stepped outside wondering if I had done the right thing. I dressed absentmindedly in a shoulderless small black dress that reached my mid-thighs. I went for the sparkling smoky eye and bright red lipstick look.

Fashion Show was scheduled today. It was 5:30 am now and we had to be at the location by 10'o clock. It will start at dawn.

I grabbed my 5 inches heels and walked towards his office. The door was still ajar. He was rushing through different files, typing down things on the laptop at the same time.

His entire concentration was fixed on the mess he had created in a few minutes and he looked damn sexy in his black shirt with a cute focused on his face.

He looked foreign to me today. As if I was seeing him for the first time that day. Seeing him in a different light; as a person he actually was without any pretenses.

A burden was lifted off my heart. I would anything for him. And I would wait for him, no matter how long.

I made my way to the kitchen and found Tucker looking at me with expectation filled gaze. I chuckled, "What do you want boy?"

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