Throne without faith (38)

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Alacris Valencia

So here I was. Lying on a branch on top of a tree. Laptop in my hand and headphones on my head. Outside of Evans pack territory.

"I don't like this," Dacey muttered fiddling with her fingers.

"What's not to like?" I said, sighing in anticipation.

"What if I don't do this right?" She asked, her voice reflecting her anxiety.

"We'll all die," Chico replied, in a matter-of-fact tone, before I could say anything. He was pacing back and forth under the tree; his distaste over my plan not clearly masked.

"He is right though." My wolf choked inside my head, she was finding it a little strenuous to live with me. Not a major pet problem that a little taming couldn't solve though. She growled at me at that.

"You're not helping," Dacey shouted and I quickly looked around diverting my attention from the laptop to see whether someone heard her. The chances were slim though because all the patrol had just gone inside after being here the entire night and our scents were masked by Dacey.

"Relax, even though I believe that it's a terrible, horrible, incredibly ludicrous idea, you can do it. You know just calm down and flick your fingers. Or will you be needing some witch-y stuff to do it?" Chico questioned and my mind diverted to the various movies and shows I have watched where they need a strand of hair, real blood, a human child sacrifice, and all that stuff making me shudder.

Not sure of what he was implying, her eyebrows twitched in confusion. Meanwhile, I managed to break into their security system. Hacking the camera inside the Evans packhouse, I saw all of them were lounging around but the tension in their body language and the atmosphere was far too apparent. They were expecting an attack.

I think destroying their pack's finances made our intentions a little too clear.

"Now," I said and Dacey nodded at me taking a deep breath. She then disappeared out of there in a gush of wind as my insides settled with trepidation and nervousness; my mind filling up with a thousand circumstances about how this could go wrong.

Chico climbed up beside me, his face set in a a cranky expression though I could see how he stared at the screen out of the corner of his eyes; his fingers twitching in anticipation.

We sat there for around forty minutes with me taking over other cameras of the Evans pack and him observing the number of guards positioned everywhere.

"This is taking too long. You know we could have just blown them up and called it a day?" He sighed, his eyes almost gleaming imagining whatever he meant by blowing them up.

As I turned around to retort at him, my gaze fell on his neck. He was leaning forward, the top few buttons of his shirt unbuttoned leaving his taut muscles in clear view but what caught my gaze was the mark lying on his collarbone.

He followed my line of vision, eyes narrowed in confusion, and then the realization set in, and for the fraction of a second I saw numbness settling in his eyes but it passed so quickly that I couldn't be sure.

"Look," he motioned towards the screen where everyone looked to be in some sort of haze for a few seconds before chaos erupted and they started sprinting out of the packhouse shifting mid-air into their wolves.

Chico jumped off the tree, his facial expressions slipping into the usual nonchalance as he stretched while yawning. I forced myself to not say or ask anything, for now, finding it very difficult as he had become a a terrific friend within a short duration of time even though we constantly bickered.

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