Fuck my life (16)

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Alacris Valencia

After working day and night throughout the whole week, it was the first day I got off. If we ignore the circumstances leading to this perfect holiday, then it was an excellent day to get my beauty sleep.

But Madman had made sure to fuck it up too. I spent my entire day in retrieving those destroyed files.

And at night, I was too busy investigating the Madman's 'supposed' best friend.

The guy was a fucking expert. There was not a single detail available which pointed towards him being a secret agent. And there were no traces of anyone named 'Chico', 'alpha' or 'rogue'.

It only meant one thing.

This whole ordeal was bigger than I thought it to be. It was something very high level going on in here.

I am not going to remain silent. And I won't let Cortez forsake the company's reputation and prestige.

With that thought, I drank five cups of black coffee to get rid of my drowsiness and got ready for the most important day of Cadman's industries.

The day that will be written in golden words in its history.

The day when I will expose 'The Betrayer'.

I took a relaxing bath with rose-scented candles placed around. The aroma soothing the chaos that was stirring in my mind. Hopefully, it will keep me calm throughout the day.

I grabbed my black skin-tight jeans and my black tank top which states 'James Bond' in white bold letters and a black leather jacket. To finish everything, I wore my black ankle-length boots.

I applied thick eyeliner and my sexiest shade of red lipstick. I was going against an entire secret organization so I had to play my part.

Maybe they have their sources at all places so will become aware of me on the first day and will get rid of me within seconds.

Tucker was eyeing me from my bed. He could tell that something was different today. I ruffled his white long furs while wrapping my arms around his neck. I leaned my head on his forehead and whispered,

"Wait for me, Tucker. I will come back to you."

I walked outside in the hall. Dacey was stuffing her face with pancakes. She stopped immediately when she saw me.

"Where are you going?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Office" I replied in an obvious tone.

"Like that?" She queried while eyeing my outfit of the day.

"Yes, Ms. Fashionista. Can we go now? I have things to do?"

"Do whatever you want to, Alek. Just avoid getting behind bars again or worse, fired. I don't want to live here alone." She mumbled while walking towards the garage.

I didn't bother to reply.

Ten minutes later, we arrived at the building. As usual, my friends stood around Kath's desk. All of them turned their gazes towards us and Aarav let out a loud whistle.

"Are you going to a funeral?"

"Sexy mama"

"She looks hot as fuck dude."

Xavier, Aarav and Alex exclaimed at the same time.

"Is Cortez here?" I asked Kath while ignoring the gaping idiots.

"Yes, he is in his office probably." She replied while looking at me with playful eyes.

"You dressed like that for him?"

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