Horrors unleashed (30)

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Alacris Valencia

The nightmares consumed me. There were demons in the dark. I was terrified and I was running. Though, I had no idea of the directions and the destination. It was pitch black without a hint of light. Yet, the demons roared with their ugly head and followed me, not too far behind.

I was terrified and my lungs burned with exertion. I was never afraid of the night but this darkness had horrors. I could feel their breath on my neck; mocking me and filling my heart with more broken breaths.

It was pitch black and I couldn't see anything. I closed my eyes; trying to rely on my hearing. I tried to hear about their whereabouts, but it was the utter silence that surrounded me. All I could hear was my own ragged breathing and frantic heartbeat.

Yet, I never stopped running. I didn't want to be tripped by the demons; I couldn't let myself be consumed by them. I had to escape and I would. I promised myself.

I felt the moisture pricking behind my closed eyelids and I opened my eyes instantly; afraid of making it way down my cheeks. It was not the time for weakness. I had to be strong. I had to escape.

"Just two minutes, my Moon."

A familiar voice resonated inside my head. It was soft yet fierce. Loving yet strong. It made me weaker but yet, still gave me hope.

My eyes opened on their own accord; searching desperately for its origin. This time, it wasn't the darkness that greeted me back. There was a beam of light; maybe hope. I ignored the burn in my lungs and increased my pace; desperate not to lose it. I ran towards it; chasing it wildly.

"Just two minutes, my Moon."

The sound wasn't coming from a particular direction. It was echoing like it was in the solitude of wild and untouched hills. I, still, looked around frantically; desperate to find its origin. Desperate to find him.

I chased the light frantically; hoping it would lead me to him. My soulmate.

A small smile found its way on my lips. The way my lips tilted upwards felt foreign after so many days, but his thoughts were familiar. Like I had always been thinking about him; seeking him. For ages.

"I don't want you. I never did."

The voice resonated once again. But this time, it wasn't soft or familiar. It was devilish and filled with hatred. But yet, it was his. And it resonated wilder than before; reaching the corners of my heart which hadn't been touched yet. And it broke them in small pieces.

The voice kept echoing to the point where I wanted to curl in fetal position to shield myself from it. Yet, I kept running; chasing after the light which was dwindling.

It was escaping; somewhere far from my reach. I shouted hysterically to the point when I couldn't shout anymore; where my voice was hoarse. But my miserable cries were buried deep under the vicious voice which shouted,

"I don't want you, I never did."

And the light was lost forever. The demons tripped me and consumed me whole.

I jolted awake with a terrified scream that sounded hoarse coming from my dry throat. My whole body burned with unbearable; though my mind tried to deal with the nightmare that had shaken me to my very core.

I hastily wiped the tears that wouldn't stop flowing, no matter how hard I willed them to. The physical pain was unendurable but my heart was much more miserable.

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