Homo sapien mate(5)

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Aadolf Cadman

I was sitting on the shiny black leather sofa seat with Cortez Pace, my beta, across me in my private jet flying over to New York.

My wolf was restless from being confined in such an enclosed limited area with no fresh air and no solidarity of Earth surface. He was a wild animal who loved to go for long runs in the dense forest for hours without any boundations or worries. Roam around his territory showing his dominance. Take over new packs proving his strength.

Being an Alpha wolf, he loved toying with his prey, playing with it, before ending its life.

It was a game for him, a strong believer in Darwin theory, in the survival of the strongest and fittest.

He was inclined to prove himself so in the werewolf world.

Never fazed by anything, but being stuck in a metal piece for hours, miles above the ground, floating among the clouds. He gazed down the window at Earth surface, which even with his strong senses appeared minuscule to him. This was probably his least favorite pastime.

And he made sure I was aware of that fact, rekindling my memory by telling me every few seconds every single damn time I was on a business trip. No matter, how much we traveled, I don't think he would ever get used to it, the flying.

I was going through all the emails in my Apple laptop, trying my best to ignore my wolf's unstoppable whining.

Most of the emails were from various businessmen from New York extending the hand of friendship and alliance. The emails all said that they looked forward to working together in the near future and how it would be a great pleasure. There were also congratulatory messages from different people on extending Cadman branches into the clothing industry as well.

The purchase of Palvin Clothing by Cadman group was a piece of huge news in the business world as it was going to affect the dynamics of many other industries.

'Cadman' was now strengthening its roots in New York, the golden city for business connections. And all the other companies and enterprises would rather become its ally, supporters or potential partners instead of being a source of competition.

It was a surprising move on my part. We were already the biggest brand of security and aero engineering all over the world. Now, with us exploring Clothing industry, businessmen and media were wondering how far we would be taking over the business world.

There were no bigger threats till now because of us remaining in Maine but moving to New York meant strong connections.

And in the business world, the connections were everything.

Sure, opening the main branch in New York would bring an epic success and fame in business but it would also draw unnecessary attention of humans that we didn't need. Living in such a large populated city would be like living in a prison for my people, with the fear and risk of being spotted in wolf form too high.

Living in such a large place in constant limelight was going to restrict the freedom of my wolf and not to mention, it would prove to be a deviation from my revenge in the long run.

So, I was going to shift the main branch to Maine, and let the New York one be a regular branch. It would be easier for me to manage all the businesses in one place instead of rushing here and there from time to time.

And before all of this, my pack was my responsibility, they trusted me with their well-being so I had to remain in the pack for the majority of my time, facing any threats head-on.

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