Promisable talents(11)

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Alacris Valencia

Apparently, we were supposed to report at office at bright 6 am on Monday morning. Normal timing was 7 am but we were all here one hour early because we had to sign our contracts for the year and get our work for the day. Mr. Madman didn't want us wasting work hours in such an unnecessary task so he called us one fucking hour early. Guess what, Mr. Madman was really mad. Now, all of us were standing in the reception barely managing to keep our eyes open and mind alert. Most of the team was familiar to me as they were from New York but some were new. I, Dacey and Ariel were standing behind everyone leaning on the wall to support our drowsy bodies.

Suddenly, the murmurs broke out around us, most of them excited whispers by ladies. I looked forward to see a really tall and cute guy with warm brown eyes filled with mischief and light coming towards us. His hair was tousled in that perfect way where they looked like the guy just rolled out of bed but were instead set that way. His whole aura screamed playboy with that plain white t-shirt clinging to his muscles and the knowing smirk on his face. He reached us and in a swift move climbed on top of the receptionist desk making us lift our heads a little bit to look at him.

"A very sweet morning to my dear brothers and all their sisters." This statement alone caused the chicks to open their eyes and giggle at him tucking their hair behind their ears.

"I am Francisco Eadric. I will be welcoming all of you to Cadman group on this fine morning. Now, don't give me that look, I can make your morning more than fine by announcing that all of you are given a 10% raise on your monthly income on behalf of Mr. Cadman. Yeah, hearty congratulations guys. Things are going to change and definitely going to be better with Cadman group. Better things mean better salary, better housing facilities, better medical facilities and the last but definitely not the least, a better cafeteria.
But what we expect in return is your best. Things changing also means stricter schedules, great sense of responsibility, zero tolerance for tardiness, your maximum efforts and results like noone else. We are already ruling the aeroengineering and security worlds and we won't settle with anything less for the clothing company."

The crowd's full attention was on the guy and his words. Starting the introduction with mischievousness and amusement, he had went to absolute seriousness in a matter of few seconds. It was a no nonsense tone in his voice. No wonder, these guys were on top of business world.

"We demand your hardwork and support for making it a reality in the next one year. That's true guys, by the end of this year, I want to see every guy, women and child wearing Cadman's designs. The designers will be provided with assistant designers and whatever raw material you need. Every raw material will be available, your job is just to make it happen."

He continued further while walking back and forth on the desk like he was dedicating a speech in the Assembly. By now, Dacey was shaking with excitement. She was finally getting a job she had dreamed of. In last three days, it was the first time that her eyes were shining with unadulterated happiness and joy.

"No tardiness or irresponsible behaviour will be tolerated. Though, you are signing a year contract but the company still has the right to fire you and throw your ass out in the forest for the hungry wolves if the company decided that you are of absolutely no use. So, my piece of advice, make your self useful. For now, your positions at work remains the same for two months and after that, they will be changed depending on your performance and work. All the lower level employees, meet Mr. Stifler as he is going to be your incharge." He said pointing towards a huge guy about 6'5 who just nodded his head in return.

"The finance department will be under control of Mr. Mendes over here with Ms. Style assisting him. Look out for him, he is gonna kick your ass and make you work twice hard than ever before." He said winking at a familiar grey eyed man. It was Xavier, the guy who delivered our bags to the house. I mentally noted down to say hello to him later.

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