Never Ending Cycle(10)

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Aadolf Cadman

I looked at the new Aeronautical project file that was supposed to be completed and approved by this time. It had been delayed by one whole day. And then at eleven more files lying on the corner of my desk which are suffering the same fate as the first one. My phone was ringing non-stop. Apparently, it was a new customer who had breaches in his security system. The security guards didn't let any damage happen but the culprit got away. It was someone who knew the ins and outs of the place perfectly. My people are already looking into it but the guy is hell bent on repeating why the hell it happened in the first place instead of investigating the matter further. He outrageously declined the involvement of someone familiar and was insisting that it was local mafia's doing. He had been messaging and calling me recklessly since last night threatening to drag my ass in the court if I didn't take the necessary actions against my people for allowing that to happen. The guy was a nut-case.

And then on the far left corner were lying the files about the new 'Cadman Clothing' which I still had to look through and approve. It would be very beneficial for us if we launch our new designs in the next few days as the company is in limelight right now and everybody, the people and media have eyes on the changes that will be taking place in the company under my guidance. Starting tomorrow, the work in main branch will start. I had given two days off to the employees to settle down and get used to the change in surrounding because after that, they will be required to work their asses off.

The pending work and files weren't that much but the fact that they were delayed irritated the hell out of me. The files had been piling on my desk since yesterday adding onto my frustation. My wolf was on a roller coaster of hormones acting like a fucking teenage girl, one time he would be whining and throwing tantrums like a child in dire need of his favorite toy while other times he would be growling and snapping my head off. He and I had always been each other rocks and agreed on almost everything to strive through all adversities but today it felt like there couldn't be more tension between us. My wolf is a part of me, he completes me and govern my state of mind equally. To be in a war with a part of mine, contradicting each other's emotions so strongly is a terrifying procedure that is managing to bring me on the verge of insanity. It was suffocating. Battling such strong emotions of my one-half had been emotionally exhausting and were provoking a major headache and a shimmering temper that was about to explode.

It had been 30 minutes since I opened this file and right now, I was only halfway through the first page while it should have been completed by now. Worse thing is I don't have a single idea what the first half of the page was about. I was reading the lines but my brain was rendered useless in comprehending their meaning. It was like I was suddenly looking at a language I have never learnt or understood. My wolf scoffed at my frustation and futile attempts as if he couldn't care less.

I closed my eyes in order to calm down myself and concentrate at the task in hand. It was needed to be done soon. The face that was the cause of my distressed and restless self instantly popped up behind my eyes.

That angel's face with enough fire in her icy blue eyes to burn everything around her. The defiance visible by her clenched and taut jaw to go against the whole world and make her own way. The delightful and mischievious aura that encased her enlightning the world around her. Her flushed cheeks and eyebrows drawn together gazing at me with such intensity I have never experienced before like she was trying to get to know me, wanted to uncover and reveal my each and every secret and craved to fathom my entire existence.

I hated her. I hated the way she looked at me. I hated the way she was already ruining me. I hated her because she had my wolf whipped by a single glance. I hated the fact that she was my god-damn soulmate. I hated that she was one of them. The humans.

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