The Part I Dreaded

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Alacris Valencia

My lungs were burning from the exertion of a broken rib. The pain was extreme while inhaling but the look in his eyes promised horrors.

It was time to comply, to back down. I dragged my twisted ankle to the chair; the smallest movement rendering me breathless. I sat down and let out a heavy breath.

I looked him in the eyes and voiced out, "Grandfather? Mate?"

His eyes flickered with a moment of contemplation and then brightened up with cruel amusement as he paced around my chair in circles. I could see his dark shadow looming over me and feel his sinister presence as he moved around.

He chuckled amusedly; one depicting his sadistic side. He came forward and looked down at me with a cruel smirk. He grabbed my chin and squished it by his fingers,

"Yes, unfortunately, the damn disgusting runt shares my bloodline. But at least, he finally did something worthy for the first time in his life by rejecting a human like you."

The way his eyes shone with pure hatred and malice had shivers running down my spine. But his words were what induced the feeling of dread within my still heart.

"Reject?" I questioned, though I wasn't sure that I wanted to know the answer.

He chuckled darkly and walked back to his chair. He placed his arms on its back, the movement flexing the muscles of his biceps. He was powerful, there was no doubt about it.

But he was vicious too, the flames of darkness swirling in his eyes screamed so. His face was twisted in malicious contentment which only intensified after gazing at me for a few moments.

"How much do you know about werewolves?"

His dark tone terrified me but not more than his presence.

"Not much, I believe." He continued as if he never asked a question in the first place.

"No worries, it will be a pleasure to properly introduce you to the werewolf world since you are already quite involved in it. But first, let's play a little game."

Saying that out of nowhere he threw a knife at me. It pierced through the skin of my thigh and embedded deep with the flesh. I shrieked, horrified out of surprise and pain.

I could feel it cutting through my muscles and my first instinct was to take it out. The pain was horrid while taking out the knife and so was the thick red liquid that followed its path in heavy trails.

My hands were trembling wildly along with my whole body and the knife fell down on the floor with a loud clattering sound. I raised my eyes to look at the monster who was almost looking bored through my glassy vision.

"It wasn't supposed to fall down, you idiot. Now, the game is I will tell you all the relevant information about werewolves and you will cut your delicate skin with that knife for the time being." He told me without blinking and settled down in his chair.

He was playing mind games. He was a manipulative sadistic bastard who just wanted to see me break.

"I won't do that." The confidence and conviction in my tone even surprised me.

"But, you will. If you want your lovely parents to return home safely from their romantic evening walk."

I could feel as my heartbeats stilled and the silence echoed in my ears. I felt nauseous and the goosebumps rose on my skin. A foreign feeling of terror, dread, horror, and disgust crept down my spine and soon clutched every single cell of my body with its vicious claws.

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