A walk in lion's den(12)

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Alacris Valencia

The tables have turned at a complete angle of 180°. Now, he was the one amused and I was the one who was frowning, seething and glaring. But despite all my frustrations, I couldn't take out my anger on him by shouting like he did earlier.

It was the first hour of the next two months and I was already regretting walking into the lion's den all by myself.

As per the majesty's orders, I had to buy all the 'stuff' to repair the wall from a hardware store. I didn't have a single idea about where it might be located. And I had just one hour to return to the office building.

It seemed easy enough but the cruel amusement was crystal clear in his eyes showing that there was a catch, but I refused to give up. I just nodded my head at him confidently, and rushed down the flight of stairs.

It was seven in the morning right now and my gaze was fixed at the watch on my hand. The seconds were ticking by fast.

Huffing like I had ran a marathon, twenty floors would do that to you, I was now standing in front of the receptionist on the ground floor. She was a hot one, that woman with her platinum blonde hair and vivid green eyes. She was at least 5'8.

What the hell is up with the height of all these people? All of them are now making me feel like a dwarf. While I was busy catching my breath, she intoduced herself,

"Hello, I am Katherine but you can call me Kath." She smiled politely. This town's people should really consider to go into modelling.

"Alek. Where is the hardware store?" I rushed.

She frowned, "It is on a five minutes drive from here. Just follow the main road and take a left at the first turn and then take a right further." I nodded and turned to walk away when I realized I didn't have a car right now. Tough luck!

"How much time would it take if I walked there." I nervously asked, already dreading the answer.

She smiled sympathetically, "Approximately twenty five minutes, dear. I am sorry, I didn't bring my car today otherwise you could have borrowed it."

I tried to smile at her but my mind was swirling by the amount of time it would take to reach to the store, purchase the required things and then make it back here. It was impossible and madman knew that.

It's not his fault. There are two kind of animals, protostomes and deutrostomes. Human beings are deutrostomes, which means that when they develop in the womb, the anus forms before any other opening.
Which basically means, at one point, you were nothing but an asshole.

Sime people just never develop beyond that stage.

I sighed in defeat and rushed outside the building and onto the main road. Alek, you gotta do something, I muttered to myself.

I looked around but there were no cars or bikes in distance from whom I could have asked for a lift.

I glanced at my watch. I didn't have time to wait around so I started sprinting in the direction of the hardware store. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

By the time I reached there, it was already 7:20 and I was breathing in loud gasps trying to inhale as much as oxygen to diminish the pain below my left lung.

Sweat was rolling down my forehead in heavy droplets, I wiped it with the sleeves of my shirt. As I looked down, my white shirt was almost clinging to my skin making everything see through. It had been a long time since I worked out this much. And I definitely wasn't looking forward to it.

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