Destined (25)

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^^^It's perfectly alright if you noticed the man first. I know I did ;)

Those who didn't get my announcement, let me shout once again that "The Wolf and his Moon" got featured in Romance profile. I just needed an excuse to be my dramatic self again and to stall you for a little bit cozz I'm nervous as fuck right now. You will know 'why' soon.....

Alacris Valencia

He simply stared as if coming to his own realization. The way his eyes roamed over my face bothered me. It felt like he could see my very soul, even the parts which were hidden till then.

He averted his eyes from mine as if sensing my thoughts. I saw as his gaze fell back on the hammock and remained fixed over there.

"How do you like the grand transformation of the room?" I asked, mostly to break the silence and tension that had enveloped us.

What kind of tension? It was debatable.

"It's..... fine. I guess." He muttered while shrugging his shoulders as if the change hardly bothered him. Barely had any significance to him.

Fine? That's all he had to say? I was expecting to get a rise out of him, an hour-long lecture threatening me to never invade his personal space again. Maybe thrown in the other room or out on the road.

"Fine?" I questioned stupified.

"Yeah." He answered more firmly as he walked towards me.

"Perfect. Does that mean I can redesign the entire house? I am thinking along the lines of the yellow theme." I exclaimed while standing up and placing the leg piece aside on the plate on the bedside table.

"I hate that color." His response was automatic and instant as if he didn't have to give it a second thought or even think a second about it in the first place.

"But why? Yellow color symbolizes happiness and dreams, you know?" I asked, baffled by his statement.

He froze mid-step, a mere step away from me, as soon as he heard me. There were flickers of surprise in his eyes before it turned to so much anguish and pain that it even took my breath away. For a few seconds, he was lost somewhere else, probably in another world.

Though those few seconds dragged on too long to bare a part of him to me.

An emotion. That was what I wanted from him. Right?
So why did those few seconds felt like a lifetime to me? Why couldn't I tolerate them? Why did I want those moments to vanish?

As I was about to move closer to him, he blinked. An action that took probably microseconds but the transformation was transparent. His eyes were blank now. No traces of anything that might signify that what I had seen was real.

"Do whatever you want. Just don't bring that color over here." He stated. His tone was emotionless but the depth of his words was very much clear.

Before I could say anything, his gaze drifted to the wall behind me and once again, there was an evident change. This time to blazing hot anger.

"Who the fuck are they?" He bellowed.

I smirked and pointed to a poster of Chris Evans where he was showing off his abs while biting his lips giving a seductive pose and said, "That's my only love, Chris Evans."

I then pointed to the poster of Messi where his backside was visible showing off his jersey number and said, "And that guy with the hotter than fuck ass is M...."

The Wolf and his MoonWhere stories live. Discover now