Resolved mysteries (31)

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Alacris Valencia

There was a cry brimming with anguish and misery that dragged out harshly from my dry throat as I felt his sharp canines piercing deeper and deeper into my flesh. The pain was unmeasurable and unbearable before the horrifying silence greeted me.

It was as if the whole universe had paused in a brief still position. There was no movement, no sounds, and absolutely no pain. My limbs were frozen numb, unable to sense any stimulation. It was tragically peaceful.

Maybe it was the end of me.

Yet, I couldn't accept such a pathetic last chapter, my mind was screaming at me to remain conscious, to fight the very change happening within my own body.

I tried my best to move a little, to produce a sound, anything to prove that I was alive. But I couldn't, I was numbly lying on the cold floor which tried its best to offer some warmth to my frozen flesh. My eyes were drifting closed, the dark abyss welcoming me to drown in it.

I couldn't feel anything, the silence resonated inside my ears. For the first time in my life, I felt the screams of the silence. They were horrifying, yet beautifully tragic. They enticed me.

I didn't for how long I remained in that tragic state. Alive but unable to feel anything. It felt like all my senses had abandoned me. It was horrifically blissful.

I could feel my heart beating normally against my chest cavity. I could feel the blood rushing through my veins and arteries and every inhale and exhale of the lung. I could feel my muscles but it was impossible to move them as if I was a statue made up of stone with life inside.

The flow of the blood was losing its pace, it seemed to be crawling as a heavier substance weighed it down. It was foreign and my blood was delivering it instead of the oxygen leaving me suffocated.

That substance crept down to my toes and upwards towards my vital organs. I could feel every cell burning as soon as it came in contact with them but there was no pain. I wasn't aware of the surroundings any more.

I didn't how long I felt it searching and reaching every crevice of my body leaving nothing sacred and untouched. It seeped down to my very core, terrifying me with its repercussions.

And suddenly, I wasn't still anymore. I was spasming with my mind losing its focus because of the unbearable agony. It felt like I had been thrown out of an airplane where I was just meeting the wildest and purest form of the forest after a few moments of tranquility.

My body rose 2-3 inches in air with my heart feeling like it would jump out of my chest. I harshly fell down against the floor only to spasm more wildly in the air. It was terrific. It felt like my own body was throwing me around, trying to break free.

I could feel my broken rib burning while the other snapped with a furious pain and crackling sound. My heart slowed down as I felt the chambers filling up with blood trying to expand in size; as if it wanted to burst bathing my insides with my death.

My arm bent at the weirdest angle like a zombie leading me to let out a piercing sound of anguish and horror. Before my shocked eyes, my hand cracked down with a loud snapping sound leaving it limping.

It was horrific. I wasn't able to comprehend what in the world was happening when my legs started burning with fiery pain, another rib broke causing unbearable agony and my fingers started trembling wildly as if something was crawling under them.

My body rose in the air as if I had been electrocuted trying to bring me back to life from death. My skin felt as if it was on fire with flames getting aggravated every second. I looked at my hands trying to comprehend why was it burning so much.

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