Sky full of stars

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Tae's pov

We stayed at our house in daegu for thursday as well, as we wanted to spend some family time together and to be honest, y/n seems to know my family for a long time like she knows every small detail about everyone and treats them so lovingly.

I guess, I'll regret hurting this precious girl for the rest of my life.

We returned back to Seoul on Friday morning and spent our day casually.

During night time, I sat under tree in our backyard while looking at sky full of moving clouds and thinking that, just like clouds our life moves on too, isn't it?

Though, It's beautiful view indeed, now I get why y/n likes nature so much, it gives you a soothing and healing vibe. It talks to you when you really want to listen.

I was so lost in seeing the beautiful sky while humming and swaying my head softly, when I felt someone sitting beside me and for a fact I know it's jimin.

Tae: looks like my soul called yours again. *chuckles*

Y/n: uhh, I think it's your sadness. *chuckles awkwardly*

I was shocked to my core when I heard her voice, out of all people I didn't expected her...but I was glad.

Tae: u-hh, I'm sorry. I thought you're jimin. *looks away awkwardly*

Y/n: it's okay. if you want him here, I'll let him know.

She smiled and got up immediately but before she could leave, I held her wrist...I really want to talk to her. She looked at me and all I could say is "stay" and she did and sat on her previous place again.

Tae: I don't think if I should talk to you about this or not.

Y/n: whatever is bothering you, if you want tell me, I'm here. *smiles*

(If I say my heart didn't melt listening to her voice then I'm a bitch ass liar.)

Tae: my relationship isn't going well. *looks down*

Y/n: Everyone can see that. If you don't mind, you can share it with me.

(Look at her, I hurt her and still she's trying to make me feel better. We really need to protect these kind of people.)

Tae: she's been acting weird lately, she's been cancelling on me for others , she's been neglecting the good things I do for her and then becoming jealous if she sees with me anyone, it's like, she makes me feel "forgotten".

(Yeah, I said all the things I did to her because I really want to know how she felt at that moment, why she didn't gave up on me, I know she loved me but something else also had to make her stay with me)

Y/n: I've been there, so I can say you must be feeling lost, like you're unwanted by the person you love so much and who you thought would love you back no matter what.

(She was smiling but her eyes didn't hide her hurt which made me sad andI shifted my gaze to ground)

Y/n: I'm not blaming you, don't get me wrong.

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