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They all were slouched on thier couch, laughing at the incidence happened on thier way back, which lightening thier mood.

Solar: omg thier (BTS) faces was worth watching. *laughs*

"I wish I could've recorded that. It was so d-damn funny" Lisa said in between her laughter.

Jimin: And how Suga denied that he know us, was the best part.*laughs*

Suga: well, you guys embarassed us.

Rm: A lot.

Y/n: It wasn't that bad, don't be mad.

J-hope: do you really call, interupting a couple's proposal not bad.

Solar: Hey!! spare my jimmy and y/n , you're saying it as it's thier fault.

Jin: I agree. They didn't knew about the proposal and if anything they did, was to make thier proposal lifelong fun memory to remember.

(A/n: you all must be wondering what they did and even if you aren't, imma tell you 🙃)

When they were on thier way back to home. They were stopped due to traffic light and there...y/n and jimin saw a couple having thier date few steps away from them on the park, sideways of road.

When suddenly the guy took girls hand and started his proposal "I'm just gonna keep it short and simple" he takes deep breath "I might've never been a perfect boyfriend but you know what I'm good at-"

Y/n and jimin decided to pull down thier car windows and shout "Fucking with hard dick".

BTS turned red due to embarrassment, Suga even said "I don't know these people" while looking at the couple. Girls and jimin laughed thier ass off, till they noticed couple looking at them with poker face and then only they realised that, they ruined couple's proposal.

Y/n and jimin both apologized to them and the couple started laughing, then the guy continued "yeah that too, but in loving you too" he sat on his knees "so, will you be my forever, will you marry me?"

When the girl accepted his proposal, the girls, with jimin started jumping in the car. Everyone congratulated them but before y/n and jimin could get out from the car to hug the couple, traffic light turned to green and thier driver started the car.

Y/n and jimin shouted for them in excitement, with windows down when they saw the couple kissing.

If you wonder how the couple didn't recognise BTS , solar and Lisa... it's because they all have thier face covered. It was also dark and before anyone could get a hint, the signal turned to green.

Y/n: yeah and after knowing that, we celebrated them more.

"true...but why are these two dead silent since we left club" jimin points at taehyung and jungkook

Tae: we need to ask boo something.

Y/n: go on babe.

"Did you ever loved him?" Taehyung said, and y/n already knew who he was referring to and replied honestly"if you want to hear truth, than yes, back than I had feelings for him"

"you still have them?" Taehyung asked hesitantly and she immediately replied, "No. You and only you are the one I love."

"what about me? sung-woo or me?" Jungkook raises his brow and folds his arm annoyed and she only chuckles at him "obviously you, kookie."

Jk: it didn't look like that back there.

Jin: what are you even saying, kookie. Are you really comparing him with you??

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