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Everyone was trying to control thier emotions and hoping that, y/n would be safe at all cost. They'll do everything to make sure of that.

They called each and every hospital in Seoul and even double checked hospitals, to know about someone named Min y/n is admitted there due to accident, while jimin just held tae and didn't leave him for a second.

Tae hugged jimin and cried, nearly choking on his own tears. When jimin got up to get him water, taehyung's sight caught that choclate box. Anger ran through his veins, he wanted to destroy yuri and with that thought, he grabbed his car keys and when he was about to walk out of the house, j-hope stopped him "where are you going". Tae didn't even glance at him, the only thing he's feeling in his body is, anger, hate, for the one who tried to took away his life, so he push past j-hope, saying "to kill that bitch " and stormed towards the door, jimin and j-hope tried to stop him but he didn't listened, when he was about to open the door...... she entered through it.

Y/n, without even a single scratch on her body, all fit and fine, was standing in front of them with a smile, which soon turned into frowning when she saw the scene in front of her and couldn't think of what was going on.

Jungkook was crying sitting in couch, with jin trying to calm him down, eventhough he was crying himself. Namjoon and Suga were calling someone on phone with a scared look on thier face. Taehyung in anger rushing to somewhere, with jimin and hobi trying to stop him.... so, she finally broke the silence "What is happening guys??"

As soon as those words left her mouth, taehyung quickly squeezed her in a warm hug while crying on crook of her neck, and she creases his back, to calm him down.

Y/n: Will anyone tell me what is going on .

And again, everyone rushed towards her and hugged her with so much force, that it made her step backwards and hit her back at wall, not that hardly though, and she let out a chuckle.

Y/n: Guys, when I said I want to look dead gorgeous on my wedding, I didn't mean literal "dead", you know?

Jimin: Shut up!!! Don't you dare joke about death now.

"Hey, what happened ? I'm back, and all okay" she asked with concern.

Jk: You have no idea how scared we were. We thought we l-

J-hope: that we lost you, and do you even know how we felt at that moment.

As those words were said, tae only cried more in her embrace and she tried to calm everyone down.

So she stopped questioning and helped them calm down first, gives them assurance that she's okay by all means, then made them drink water, after slouching them on couch. When they seem to calm down, she looked at hyungs for answers. Jin explained everything as no one had the courage to say that, neither did he, but being eldest, he has to take care of everyone else first.

Jimin: Can you explain why tf did you prank us like that?

Y/n: I didn't. I have no idea about what tf happened.

Jk: what do you mean?

Y/n took a second to connect dots in her head and when she did, she sighed heavily, then told them how after leaving jewellery shop someone stole her bag, maybe thinking it would have expensive jewellery and when that happened, she and one of the guard ran after that guy. They searched for him for almost 5 good minutes before finding him in an ally, the guard was fast enough to catch him. After that, I thanked the guard and filed a complaint against him, so I guess it was him, who did that.

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