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Sick person's pov

A/n: the italic ones are them reading the comments.

Everyone returned wasted around 4 in morning so, solar and namjoon tucked everyone in thier respective beds before drifting off to dreamland with thier partners.

"At noon"

They all woke up at noon with a bad hangover, after freshing up, they all ordered food and waited for y/n and tae in dining area.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!" Y/n screamed at top of her lungs as soon as she saw them.

"ahhh keep it low" jimin said covering his ears.

J-hope: it's increasing my headache.

Y/n: that's the point.

"good, they deserve that, me and solar had to take care of them when their drunken ass passed out in the party" namjoon said glaring at them.

"you suck" jin says and looks at namjoon annoyingly

"And I swallow " namjoon says while checking jin out.

" too early for that dirty talk guys" jungkook whine.

Jimin notices y/n's neck and teased her" oooh someone did more than a new year kiss"

Y/n: yeah, what about you?

"got wasted and didn't even had a proper kiss" jimin whines.

"sucks to be you" y/n said with a smirk on her face, to which solar rolled her eyes "don't flex"

Y/n: why not? Don't be jealous unnie, I know sunshine will give you more than hickeys, tonight.*winks*

" oh he better" solar winks at j-hope.

Jimin: and your asshole brother, also.

"this asshole fills up your ass hole" Suga says playfully.

"I didn't expect my new year to start like this" taehyung says making wierd face at everyone around the table.

Jin: well it's your girlfriend's courtesy, making all of us feel jealous.

Y/n: as you should assholes.

Namjoon: let me sober up completely, then I'm gonna hit you with broom for cursing.

Y/n: I've my kookie, if you've forgotten, hyung.

Jk: yeah hyung, I might adore you but I love her.

Namjoon gasps loudly "you traitor" with a fake hurt expression.

"I am ready for this drama" Suga says annoyingly.

Y/n: just like the world wasn't ready for you.

J-hope: y/n= infinity, Suga= 0

They kept bickering till thier lunch got delivered, then only all of them sat quietly and had thier lunch.

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