Let's go down the old lane one more time

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a/n: "Italics" are the clips from starting to end. '' in italics are the dialogues said by charcters. Hope this helps and not confuse you more

Pokemon's pov

Finally! It's the day y/n and taehyung are coming back to Korea after thier one month long honeymoon, which sets BTS to peace even though they video called them twice a day.

So here, the happily married couple were sitted on the car to thier way home, after spending one month honeymoon with sweet memories and a whole lot of raw sex, looking at each other with fond look, for which they both die for.

Their car stopped in front of their new home, which is well constructed, fully furnished and moved in by others. y/n and taehyung gets out of the car, with that some guard came to escort them.

As soon as they set a foot inside the place, they were welcomed with flower showering over them, making them happy. After stepping in, y/n and taehyung first met max and took a round of his small outhouse they've made for him along with some other guards which will be here on duty, after making sure they are comfortable and are happy to live here, y/n and taehyung moved towards thier home.

When they opened the door, they were met by BTS, who were already ready for to hug them till they squeeze the couple and make thier blood circulation to stop.

Tae: Guys, I know you missed us but please leave us before our and our baby's circulation stops.

On hearing that, everyone moved back immediately and looked at the couple with thier mouth hanging on floor.



Y/n: Guys, calm down. I'm not pregnant, he's just kidding.

"Man gotta do something to survive that hug" taehyung shrugs his shoulder.

Jin: You're an asshole, for a second I imagined a baby running in our house.

Y/n: Aww jinnie hyung, but you gotta wait, because with me that's not happening anytime soon.

Tae: Even though I would like that too but she's the one who'll carry baby so her choice.

"And why don't you adopt if you want kid" y/n asks the couple politely.

Rm: We would love to, but with all the concerts, tours, shoots, we barely get time for us and we don't our baby to live in an atmosphere where thier parents can't give them more than a month in a year.

Jin: And with all that even if we still adopt, you'll be burdened with more responsibility, so we wanna let it on hold.

"You're so thoughtful, I know that you'll make the best parents" y/n hugs them.

"Yeah, I can assure that" jungkook smiles, vmin also chims saying "we can too". With that, they joined the hug too.

Jungkook takes y/n's hand "lemme show you the whole place"

With that, jungkook jogged, with y/n behind him in excitement and everyone followed them.

Firstly, They looked around the ground floor.... there's a big living room as you enter from gate, then on left there's a huge open kitchen with a large pantry too and that kitchen is technologically modified with lots of new and best products, which made y/n happy as she's gonna be the here most, on the side wall of kitchen there are two guests room and a lift which connects with thier underground parking lot.

And there's a window door next to kitchen which leads to thier garden, where they've had swings for them. On opposite side of kitchen, there are two rooms, on each side of living room. The left room has the view of garden and the right one has the view of pool, with a small barbeque place they have for free days, which is little bit distance from pool.

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