Flash From The Past

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Suga: No way I'm wearing a suit with heavy jewels.

Jimin: but it'd be so royal.

Suga: We're not royals and I'm not gonna show up like a con man.

Jimin: It won't harm your pride if you'd say yes to already one of my choice.

Suga: For that, you should level up your taste to my level.

Jimin gets irritated "you know, sometimes it's okay to not be a mood spoiler"

Suga slams his fist on dining table "then don't marry a mood spoiler"

Rm: Calm down you two. And hyung,what's wrong with you, why are you being a jackass?

Suga: like anyone cares.

Jin: well, as much as it surprises you, we do. So what is it?

Suga: the fact that how you all are just forgetting that it's my wedding too and I want my sister to be in every part of it.

Jimin: you're not the only one who misses her. I also want her to be on my dream wedding, which I had planned to be on this year, otherwise I'd shift it but we got all the schedule check and all.

Suga: Then why it feels like, it's only me who remembers her.

J-hope: Don't you dare say that, yoongi. She might be your sister but she mean so much more to us.

Jimin raises his hand in air tiredly " I really wish she was here, to control your control freak ass" he says and walks away.

Suga: yeah, now walk away, otherwise how'd we know that you're still an immature who can't hold a conversation.

"That's enough, what's your problem, what do you want from him" taehyung says, raising his voice.

Suga: Okay, you listen to me boy and you listen good, she's not your concern, so piss off.

Tae: Sorry to break it to you, but she is my concern and will always be, no matter if you like it or not.

Suga: Yeah?? then do enlightened me, how? Because last time I checked, you weren't her boyfriend or anything...and tell me again why you're interfering in mine's and jimin's conversation, stick to your damn business.

Tae: Then you might've skipped the part where we are friends again, making her... my concern. And it's my soulmate's wedding, making this whole damn conversation my business too, it's simple math you should try it sometimes

"Oh sorry, I've always been weak in maths, can you do a math problem for me too? What's a girlfriend and an affair equals to?" Suga says with bitter voice.

Tae kept silent and looked downwards.

Suga: what, can't do simple maths?? Lemme tell you, the answer is... a whore.

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