𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝

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𝕾𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖒𝖇𝖊𝖗 1, 1975

"Thinking about making my hair all white this year." Wally said to his friends as they all pushed their trollies towards the Hogwarts Express.

"You'd match Dumbledore!" Amos replied with a goofy grin on his face, Amira smacked the back of his head, "OW!"

"Well I personally think you'd ROCK white hair, Walls." Ted told Wally as he pushed forward a now scowling Amos.

"THANK YOU! At least someone gave me good feedback." Wally glared at Amos. Amos saw this and stuck his tongue out at the Metamorphmagus. Amira hit the back of his head again.

"Our relationship is an abusive one." Amos said rubbing his head.

"Maybe if you had some sense, it wouldn't be."

"I HAVE CENTS!" 2 Sickles and 10 Knuts to be exact. But what's that got to do with anything?" Amos was once again struck in the head.

"SENSE, YOU IDIOT! NOT CENTS!" Amira rolled her eyes.

"Right, right. Let's find a compartment." Ted said, stepping in between the two. As they walked through the Express looking for a compartment, Amira stopped in front of one that belonged to none other than the Marauders.

"You lot go ahead, I wanna say hi to Pete!" She smiled at the group as they nodded and continued their mission of finding an empty compartment. She slid the door open and sat next to Peter Pettigrew. She pretended not to notice that they had fallen silent as she entered.

"Hiya Pete! How was your summer? I apologize for not writing that much and so does the rest of the gang but we were a bit busy!"

"No worries Ames, I could've written more as well! It was well, spent the summer with the Marauders." He gestured to the boys sitting in the compartment, she looked up and waved at them. James cleared his throat. Sirius looked around, as if he hadn't been staring. Remus pretended to read a book.

"Wuthering Heights? I just finished that book not that long ago." She spoke to Remus and he looked up bewildered. He never thought she would speak to him. He tried to reply but no words came out. He could've easily said that he had read the book twice before or he could've asked her how she enjoyed it but it seemed like he just couldn't.

"It's quite good. My favourite Muggle book so far." Amira continued but she soon realized that Remus was just staring at her, wide-eyed. She felt bad, guilty, maybe she had said something wrong. She quickly stood up and excused herself with the premise that she needed to find her 'brothers'. She scrambled out of the compartment. Leaving them all a bit shocked. Firstly because Peter had spoken to a girl and secondly because Remus had failed to speak to that same girl.

"How do you know Amira Meadows?!" Remus asked Peter when she was no longer in sight.

"She was my tutor for Herbology last year, she became a good friend. She's like a younger sister to me now. Except I go to her for everything" He shrugged as if it was no big deal but to Remus, it was a very big deal.

"I've heard of her! She's the Casanova of Hufflepuff?!" Sirius asked, shocked. Everyone had heard of her. Girls wanted to be her, boys wanted to be with her. "She's like female Moony!"

"Are we still on this? I am not the Casanova of Gryffindor Tower! I've never even kissed anyone! Think that disqualifies me!" Remus sunk lower into his seat.

"You okay there Moony?" Peter questioned.

"His breath was taken away, give him a moment."

"Shut it Sirius."

"C'mon mate, just say it. You fancy a certain Hufflepuff." James said with a cheeky grin.

"I hardly know her." Remus sighed and took off his glasses.

"Not yet!" Sirius replied, wiggling his eyebrows.

"You lot give me a headache."

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"Maybe I spoke out of turn!" Amira told her friends, they were all spread out in the compartment. Ted had taken a window seat. Amos took the other and Amira sat with Wally on the floor.

"I'm sure it was nothing, you're overthinking it." Wally put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you fancy a certain Gryffindor." Ted cocked his eyebrow at the younger Scavenger.

"I DO NOT! I'VE ONLY JUST SPOKEN TO HIM." she crossed her arms, fuming at such a ridiculous accusation. But was it truly so ridiculous? She pondered on the thought. Yes, it was. Sure, she looks up everytime his name is called. Maybe she does look over at him one to many times during class. But, that doesn't mean anything. She doesn't know him, she can't like him if they aren't friends.

"Yet here you are, talking our ear off about him." Amos chuckled at her now rosy cheeks.

"Was not! I just don't like upsetting anyone!" She shot back. Amos snorted so Amira hit him in the back of the head.


"Better you than us, mate."


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