𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐲 & 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐰𝐬

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The full moon was fast approaching. The Scavengers could see the way Wallace’s shoulders now slouched heavily. The day before, he could hardly muster a laugh. There was not much they could do but wait and stay with him the entire night. As they did since first year when they followed him out of their dorm, wondering why Wallace always snuck out on certain days of the month. It wasn’t until they followed him into the
Forbidden Forest and witnessed his transformation, that they understood. And from that day forward, they vowed to never leave him alone on full moons, no matter what.

Amira had, of course, volunteered to stock up Madam Pomfrey with Wolfsbane, which surprised the matron. Who knew a first-year could brew Wolfsbane, successfully? The
Scavengers knew the Wolfsbane did not just go to Wally but another student, whose identity remained hidden from them. Dumbledore had asked Wallace to come to his office in their second year to discuss the matter. Although Wallace did not meet the boy, he did receive a letter from said boy discussing that he did not feel comfortable sharing his identity, to which Wallace wrote a letter back saying that he felt the same. And so, his identity remained a mystery.

“I just think that since Muz is brewing the Wolfsbane, she should at least get to know who the other….Claws is.”

“We’ve been over this Niff, it doesn't work like that,” Amira explained, her arm around Wallace as she tried to encourage him to eat. He just shook his head and rested on Amira’s shoulder.

“We always see the curtains drawn on ONE other bed during full moons, all I’m saying is I could turn into a badger and-”
“NO!” Amira and Ted bellowed at him, earning a few sideways glances from other Hufflepuffs.

Amira leans in "We've discussed this Amos, we can't do that. Not only is it an invasion of privacy but it's rude! Imagine the shock we might give them." she whispered.

Amos looks down at his food, "It's just, we don't know what he goes though. We can't help him, all we can do is be there. Last time we tried to interfere with him almost scratching his eyes out, he turned on us. He scratched Teddy and freaked out in the morning. Maybe they could pen pal or something."

"I wouldn't mind that, if I'm honest but it's not up to me Niff," Wally lifts his head up and looks at his friends "Whoever this person is, doesn't want me to know, and I won't push it."


"Moony, you look dreadful." Sirius states. The Marauders could see their best mate struggling to stay awake but he wouldn't sleep. Refusing to miss class.

"At least eat something." Peter offers Remus a piece of toast which he pushes away.

"I'm not hungry, Peter."
"You've got to eat something, mate."
"I said no, James"
And with that, the table felt silent, not wanting to push their friend any further. Night was only a few hours away and they had no choice but to wait.

Sirius looked away from his friend when he saw Amira and Wallace headed out, Edward and Amos following closely behind them.

"Anyone else find them suspicious?"
James followed his friend's gaze and shrugged.
"They look normal to me mate."
Sirius' gears seemed to turning as he thought about the quartet. Their formation looked... similar.


When night came rolling around. Amira grabbed the map and some of Wally's extra clothes and headed out with the rest of the Scavengers. They inched near the dark areas of the hallway, map in hand. Making sure that no one saw them. Stopping when they saw Filch inch towards them but running immediately when they realized the transformation might be happening soon. They ran into the Forbidden Forest, transforming. Soon enough, you saw a bear, a badger and a canary headed towards an old abandoned cabin near the edge of the forest. It wasn't long before they heard the painful screams from their friend.

I don't want to wait out here for him to come out. Amira thought, sending the thought to the badger and canary at her side. With sleepless nights and sneaking into the Restricted Section, they figured out how to open a thought link between the four of them. Allowing them to hear each other's thoughts, only when permitted.

He'll be upset if we go in now, we made a promise! Teddy shot back

Screw it! I'm going in! The badger scurried in, followed closely by Muzzle and Chippy hesitantly going in after.


It wasn't pretty, not for Amira, who came out of the forest with scratches on her chest and face. She didn't blame Wally of course. For she was the one who had intervened when she saw Wally scratching himself. Fear and terror flashing through the werewolf's eyes. She couldn't just stand there so she tried to stop him. Which ended in a brawl. Wally was now leaning on Teddy. Dazed and tired, not sure what happened. But they knew. Oh yes, the Scavengers knew that Wally would hate himself in the morning for what he had done.

 Oh yes, the Scavengers knew that Wally would hate himself in the morning for what he had done

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