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Remus knew his thoughts were irrational. Of course Amira wouldn't mind him being a werewolf. She was best friends with Wallace!

But all rational thoughts were thrown at the window when he saw her. He suddenly knew what it felt like to be James; who was so infatuated with Lily and so unbelievably stupid.

So when Amira wanted to do Wolfsbane for their Potions project. Remus felt his heart rate pick up. What if she found out about him? Would she stop hanging out with him? Would they no longer be friends?

"Remus! Remus!"

Remus snapped out of his thoughts, only to feel a chocolate frog smack him in the face.

"BLOODY HELL! WHO WAS THAT?" Remus exclaimed while rubbing the side of his face.

"Mate, we've been trying to get your attention for hours." Peter exclaimed, opening up a chocolate frog, "FUCKIN' DUMBLEDORE AGAIN!"

"What were we talking about?" Remus asked, reaching out to his stash of chocolate. James looked up from his book.

"Padfoot here was talking about his obsession with Atlas Churchill."

"IT'S NOT AN OBSESSION! I HATE HIM! WITH A PASSION! HE HATES ME! AND FOR WHAT?" Sirius yells, trying to defend his complaining by throwing a pillow at James.

"For someone claimin' not to be obsessed, you sure bloody talk 'bout him 'lot." Peter said, his mouth full with chocolate.

Remus tuned out the rest of the conversation, knowing exactly how it would play out. Peter would point out the obvious, Sirius would make rebuttals and James would shut him down.

Remus thought back to his internal battle. He trusted Amira...right?


Remus found himself walking down the corridors to the library. He felt his feet moving him to a familiar corner in the back. Next to 'muggle authors' and 'fairytales'. It was a nice corner, the window provided enough light and he was out of view from most people.

He also had a clear view of the entrance so he could see who came in and out of the library. He looked up to see familiar wool sweater approach the corner.

"Hello Remus!" Amira greeted as she sat next to him.

"Amira, hi." Remus breathed out. She was wearing a brown wool sweater. Brown was his favourite colour. But, she already knew that.

"So, I was thinking about our Potions project. And I figured, we could start the brewing now so we could have it in before the deadline. How does that sound?"

Anything out of her mouth sounded wonderful to Remus. Remus scolded himself for his thoughts and cleared his throat, "You're wonderful. I mean. Uh. Yeah, wonderful...not that you're not wonderful! You are! Truly! But I meant your plan! Wonder-yeah." Remus could feel the heart rush to his face. Blubbering idiot.

Amira laughed, his favourite laugh. "Alright, I'm glad that's settled. We could start tomorrow!"


"Slughorn has the ingredients for it. So, we needn't worry about that. I think tommorow at 7 we could start."

"Mhm" In all honesty Remus wasn't paying much attention. He probably should have but he was busy noticing Amira. Not that he never noticed her before, but he seemed to pay more attention to her character these days. How she often straighted her hair despite it being curly. How she tends to smile with her eyes. The dimples that appear with the smile. How her hands are often cold which is good because his hands are often warm. How Amira is always walking around with first-years trailing after her. It amazed him how someone could be so perfect.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Amira asked, snapping him from his thoughts.

"You're unbelievably perfect." Remus hadn't meant to say that but he meant it. She was perfect. And it was unbelievable.

Amira felt her cheeks grow hot and her voice catch in her throat. She cleared her throat to compose herself.
"I must be your reflection then, because no one could be as perfect as you."

It was Remus' turn to blush, he doubted her words were true. But to hear her say them, made his heart swell.

"We should get 'ack to researchin, don't ya think?"

"Oh yeah, of course."


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Reflection ☄︎ 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐮𝐬 𝐋𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐧Where stories live. Discover now