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"So you're telling me, you're afraid of geese?!" Sirius bellowed as James doubled over in laughter.

"They're deadly, mate." Ted shook his head in fear, shuddering at the memory of a goose attacking him last summer.

"Hey, what's this picture of?" Peter grabbed the picture of Ted chasing after Amira in animagus form from the wall.

Amira shot up and grabbed the photo, "Well it was in a park...and we were in a park and this was funny. And Ted took it. Yeah..Ted." She smiled brightly at everyone. Remus raised an eyebrow at her. If there was one thing he knew, it was when someone was lying.

Peter seemed to buy it though, "OH COOL! you'd think the bear would be chasing the bird."

Wally laughed, "You'd be surprised."

James gave Wally a strange look, "What do you mean?"

Wally stammered, "Well uh, I just mean that, uh nature is weird."

Amos shook his head vigorously, "Yep, it is. Once Amira swore she saw a black dog chasing a stag in the Forbidden Forest."

Amira hummed in agreement, "It was quite funny if I'm honest. Haven't seen that dog again but he was fluffy."

Now the Marauders were nervous, "Yeah, nature is weird."

Amira snorted and put the picture back. She sat back down next to Remus and leaned towards him as the group talked amongst themselves, "I hope you're having a good day."

Remus glanced at her sideways, "Of course, I'm with you." Heat rushed to his cheeks as he realized what he said. Amira giggled, "I'm glad I'm amusing."

"I FORGOT TO DUE MY POTIONS ESSAY!" Amos scrambled towards his bed, taking Remus out of his trance.

"Just ask Ophelia to do it for you." Wally shrugged.

"I'm not putting my girlfriend to work!" Amos shrieked, "She threw books at me last time I asked."

"Then get started" Ted suggested

"Amiraaaaa." Amos sang, as he danced towards her, "My dearest and favourite sister."

"I'm your only sister."

"Would you do me the kindest favour and help me out by doing the essay?"


"Oh come on-OW!" Amos rubbed the back of his head, "WE ARE IN AN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP SISTER."

"Aw, you love me Niff." Amira pinched his cheeks and he huffed in frustration. He considered his options before he turned to Remus.
"Hey Remus, you're smart, would yo-"

"So, anyway, back to the prank."


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W.N. ~ This is kind of a filler. I'm trying to figure out how to unravel Remus' secret to Amira and vice versa. This is sort of a chapter where the push is made. We see Amira lying about being an Animagus. We also see the obliviousness of both characters in regards to their feelings so. :)

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