𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲

588 20 2

small tw: mentions of face dysmorphia.
want you all to know that you're beautiful! please believe that. you in no way have to change the way you look for someone else.

ily <3

--☄︎. *. ⋆·˚ ༘ * --

Amira and Remus weaved in and out of the crowd. Making their way to the Hufflepuff Common Room. They were laughing and shushing each other as to not get caught. They figured the boys would meet them at the party. Remus stopped at the door to the Common Room.

"Wait, I should probably go and change out of school clothes." He said looking down at his attire

"I think it should be fine. Just, come here." She moved closer and undid his tie. Remus felt his breathing stop again. She took of his tie and looked up at him. They were extremely close. He cleared his throat, flustered. Amira reached up and ruffled his hair.

"Take out your vest," She whispered and he did "there you go. You're all party ready." And she stepped back. Amira too felt flustered. Merlin, get yourself together. She wasn't sure what was happening. This feeling that was increasing inside of her wasn't something new. She remembers this, but how?

She hasn't noticed she had drifted off in thought until she heard Wally cheer, "THAT WAS INCREDIBLE!" Amira looked up to see the rest of the boys climbing down the stairs that led to the Hufflepuff Common Room. She stepped away from Remus before anyone could notice her flushed face.

"What are you still doing here Mir?" She looked passed the boys to see her brother, Simon. "You have a birthday to get ready for!"

"Yeah, right."


Amira sat in her dorm for a while. He smelled like sandwood and lavender. Amira closed her eyes and she could swear that Remus was there. The only thing was, why did she feel this way? Why was he so different?

Amira sat there for a while more before deciding it was time to change. She wore a yellow floral boho dress with puff short sleeves and a square neckline. It reached her ankles and had a small slit near the end. She put on some white heels. Nothing too dramatic. She wanted to be comfortable but beautiful. She wanted to feel beautiful. She left her hair curly and just applied some light make-up.

Amira looked at herself in the mirror. She looked good, right? She looked away from the mirror. 2 more seconds and she would've noticed the stray hairs of the pimple on her cheek. Amira would've noticed that her nose was too small or that her eyes were uneven. She didn't want to think about that. Tonight wasn't the night to shame herself.

Amira stood and walked out of her dorm, into the party.

~ amira's pov ~

The music was way too loud for my liking. I could smell the alcohol. I wasn't clueless, I knew most of the people here only came to drink. I didn't mind, I just wish it had been smaller, more personal. Just my friends. I spotted Amos and Ophelia dancing, well it was more like swaying awkwardly, I was sure neither one of them could dance to save their life. I could tell that Teddy was 'discreetly' looking at Andromeda. You'd be a fool not to notice the looks he gave her. James and Peter were currently doing shots by the entrance. Wally was talking to Simon, it was a nice sight, 10 galleons they end up together by the end of the year.

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