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Surprisingly, it was quite easy to come up with the perfect prank. And since Amira's birthday was fast approaching, what better way to celebrate than to have a Marauders/Scavengers collaboration. Every professors worst nightmare. Second, of course to the 1st of April.

They often met up, in common rooms, secret passages or the like to discuss their plans. Reading books upon books to find the right spells. Formulating a plan.

Amira and Remus were currently huddled under a tree near the Black Lake, reading. Unbeknownst to them, a certain Ravenclaw was fast approaching.

"Hey Amira?" Amira's eyes snapped up, taking in the sight of the familiar boy.

"Hello Matty, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

His eyes shifted to Remus, and he saw the way they were sitting. Her legs in his lap but Matthias thought it was better to ask than to regret. "Will you go to Hogsmeade with me this Saturday? Like, on a date?"

Amira was shocked to say the least, unsure how she felt at the prospect of going on a date with the Ravenclaw boy. She caved, "Yes."

"AMAZING! I'll pick you up at your common room at 10."

"Brilliant." And with that Matthias walked away. Remus shifted awkwardly, uncomfortable with what had just unfolded in front of him. The pit in his stomach grew again. The same pit he felt when he saw their names on the map together. He stood up and looked down at a bewildered Amira.

"I've got to go." And with that Remus walked - well more like ran - away.


Later that day, when the group of 8 reconvened after a long day of classes. Remus seemed to be avoiding Amira. He now sat next to Wally, away from his usual spot next to her. She wasn't sure what happened. Maybe, he was ill. She wondered if she had said anything to offend him. Had she forgotten his birthday? Was he upset? Was he j-

"AMES!" James' voice snapped her out of her thoughts

"Yes Jamsie?"

"We were asking you if it's okay that we pull the prank on your birthday?"

"Wait, really?"

"Well duh, of course." Wally butted in

"What better day?" Amos added

"Um, well then. Alright." She smiled at the group. Happy to finally have more friends. Amira suddenly went back to thinking about Remus.

But, Remus wasn't sure why he felt the need to avoid Amira. He wasn't sure why he kept rethinking about that day at the Black Lake. He wasn't sure why he was dreading Saturday. And it definitely wasn't sure why he didn't turn on James' proposal to prank Matthias on Saturday.

He was sure it had to do with the full moon falling on the Saturday. Fully positive that that was the only reason he was upset. But Peter knew better. And James saw the look on his face when he looked at Amira. The way his head would snap up when he heard her voice didn't go unnoticed by Sirius. The Marauders knew what troubled their friend. They just waited till Remus realized himself and they were going to make him realize.

Reflection ☄︎ 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐮𝐬 𝐋𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐧Where stories live. Discover now