𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐩𝐬

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"So we just walk the corridors?" Matt asked
"Basically yeah, and lead lost first-years to their common room." Amira continued walking the corridor near the Great Hall.

"So, are you doing quidditch again this year?" Matt asked, hoping to make conversation with the Hufflepuff.

"Probably, Teddy is captain this year and wants me back a chaser." Amira shrugged and continued walking.

"Reckon we'll be enemies on the field then." Matt chuckled and Amira offered a small laugh.

On the other side of the castle Remus Lupin did patrol with none other than Edward Tonks.

"So Edward, any big plans for this year?" Remus asked.

"Oh please, call me Ted or Teddy. And to answer your question, no, not really. Not much has changed. Amira wants to decorate the common room a bit more though. Reckon that'll be fun."

"Is it not already decorated?" Remus asked, a little puzzled because he figured since the Gryffindor Common Room was decorated so would all the other common rooms.

"Yes but she thinks that it's too 'plain' and needs a bit more 'Hufflepuff flair'. Everyone just goes along with her ideas. No one has the heart to say no to her and besides, her plans never fail."

"That's interesting. What's she like?" In all honesty, Remus had no idea why he asked such a question. But something inside him was itching to hear more about the brunette.

Ted chuckled at Remus' sudden interest but gave in to his request. "She's lively, humble, courageous. Never one to leave anyone out. She's sensitive though but tough. If that makes sense. Everyone always falls in love with her. Either romantically or platonically. She's just that type of person, you know? You'd be a fool not to notice how good she is. Epitome of Hufflepuff. She stands up for everyone she believes to be good and that includes some Slytherins. Truly, I love having her as a sister."

"SHE'S YOUR SISTER?" Remus was shocked at the sudden revelation. Ted doubled over in laughter.

"No, no, not really but it feels like it. We'll grown up with each other. You see, Amira and I are neighbors and we met Amos a year before they started Hogwarts. Wally soon joined us and I believe we've all been attached at this hip since then. They're my family. My home away from home. She's my sister and they're my brothers." Remus smiled at Ted's words and he too felt the same way about the Marauders.

"I guess that makes sense."

Both duos continued to talk to each other. And as time came to depart. Amira pulled out a spare piece of parchment as soon as she saw Matt turn the corner. She pulled out her want and pointed it.

"Veritatem tuam revelare." and after a few seconds, words started to appear on the map.
The Scavengers' Map it read and below it;
Madame Muzzle & Messieurs Niff, Claw & Chippy invite you to find what you seek.

She saw that Ted and, OH DEAR, REMUS LUPIN we're headed her way. She looked around a bit to make sure no one was around yet. Her heart beating out of her chest at his name being so close. She wasn't sure if she was frightened or giddy.
"absconder" she whispered to the map and as the words faded away, she put the parchment in her robes.

She skipped down the hall and yelled "CHIPPY!" when she came into his view. She pretend to act surprised when she saw Remus.

"Oh hello Remus, fancy seeing you here!" Remus blushed at her words and coughed. She was happy at the prospect of seeing him?
"Oh erm- I was headed down to kitchens to get a snack. Want to come?" Remus blushed even more, why would he ask her that, she's going to say n-

"I would love to Rem, c'mon. I'm craving pie." He almost choked on air when she smiled at him and grabbed his arm, pulling him along. He didn't fail to notice the fluttering in his stomach.

 He didn't fail to notice the fluttering in his stomach

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W/N ~ In my head the parchment is darker than the Marauders Map and more colourful. Partly thanks Amira. I'd imagine she'd want to colour code Hogwarts.

Reflection ☄︎ 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐮𝐬 𝐋𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐧Where stories live. Discover now