𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐮𝐬 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧 𝐥𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐧

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Remus couldn't remember much about last night. But he did remember one thing: he had made an absolute fool of himself in front of Amira Meadows. The thought alone made him want to pitch himself off the Astronomy Tower.

He had never gotten that drunk. Maybe it had been the nerves but he just felt the need to drown the cups. The massive headache he had wasn't helping either.

"Aww little Moony finally experiences his first hangover."

"So cute."

"Shut up Pads."

"Oo feisty"

"Don't make me wack you Wormtail." Remus tried to sit up but immediately doubled over, "I'm gonna puke" Sirius handed him a bucket and he did.

"Did I do anything stupid?"

"No, Amira brought you back I think. She went to sleep afterwards. I'll be honest, I forgot it had been a birthday party." Peter said as he handed Remus a water bottle and and a vial which he recognized from Sirius' many late nights out. He chugged the purple liquid. Sighing in relief as his headache started to disperse.

"I feel like shit."

"That's normal, but it's fine. The full moon is in like a week. You'll be fine until then. Let's go down for breakfast though. I'm starving." James then made the bucket disappear with a flick of his wand.

Remus went to change when he realized he wasn't in the same clothes he was last night.

"Wait, who changed me?!"

"I dunno, probably Amira?" Sirius shrugged.


"What? What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?! WHAT'S WRONG?!! SHE PROBABLY SAW MY SCARS! THAT'S PROBABLY WHY SHE LEFT AND WENT STRAIGHT TO BED!" Remus tugged at his hair, he was an idiot. Amira probably felt disgusted. He was ugly and he had just scared her away.

"Calm down Moony, I'm sure it fine. I'm sure she doesn't care about look." James tried to reassure him but no avail.

"I DO! okay not like that, what I mean is I care about my looks!" Remus rubbed his face in exasperation, he sat on his bed. Sirius followed suit.

"C'mon Moons, you know Amira. She wouldn't feel disgusted by you." James said

"Yeah Moony, you're a gorgeous lad." Peter added.

"To her I won't be."


After much convincing, Remus changed into a brown jumper and jeans and went to breakfast with the boys. He was nervous to say the least. Amira would be there and he couldn't help but feel the need to impress her.

He stopped in his track when he saw her sitting at the Gryffindor table with Frank Longbottom. She seemed to notice him and said something to Frank before walking towards him.

"Good morning Rem, how do you feel? Oh good morning Siri, Jaime, Pete. Hope you're all doing swell." They all said their good mornings and sat down at the table.

"Why are you talking to me?"

Amira slumped her shoulders, "Do you not want me to?"

"No no no, that's not what I meant. I just- I thought I had made a fool of myself. I figured-"

"You figured I would avoid you?"

"Well yeah." Remus said in embarrassment, scratching the back of his neck.

"I actually thought you were quite sweet. And it'll take more than just a drunk night to scare me off." Amira said smiling. Then she hugged him and Remus felt himself melting in her arms. This was definitely not normal but it felt so natural.

"I'm glad I didn't scare you off." Remus said pulling away and smiling.
"You better not try Mr. Lupin"

At the Gryffindor table. Ted slid James something across the table, "5 galleons they end up together by the end of the year."

"5 for the end of next year."

"5 for the end of this semester." Peter slid 5 galleons to James.

"5 by New Years." Sirius added.

"You're all wrong. 5 by the end of summer." Wally said.

"Nope, definitely Christmas of next year." Amos said, collecting all the coins and putting it in a bag, "May the best man win."

Amira and Remus sit down to join them. Remus grabs some buttered toast while Amira grabs a scone and take a bite

"Ugh blueberry." She mutters, opting to grab a piece of buttered toast.

Remus gapes at her "you don't like blueberry?" Amira makes a face of disgust at his words.

"Absolutely not."

Remus shakes his head, "gimme that." And grabs her scone while he hands her his half eating toast. They much on the respective foods, happily.

"You're a madwoman, can't believe you don't like blueberries." Remus says after a while.

"Oh shush."

"Oh Amira, did you open gifts yet?" Sirius asks, giving the pair an amused look.

"No. I haven't."

"No, do not continue the tradition." Wally says suddenly.

"Tradition?" Peter asks.

"She has this ridiculous tradition of not opening her gifts until she gets her hands on personalized thank you cards," Ted says in between bites "She then opens them one by one and writes her thank you's as she opens them."

"You're strange." Sirius snickers

"It helps me keep track of my emotions!"

"It's ridiculous!" Amos rolls his eyes.

"You're mental." James interjects, shaking his head at the lunatic sat beside him.

"And you're plural."

"Oh haha."


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