Episode 15: Who is smarter, Simon or Jeanette?

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A/N: Here's a question for the Chipmunks from ME, 'cause why not?

Alvin: Holaaaaaa, mis amigos! And... yeah, that's where my Spanish ends. Dunno why I even tried.

Simon: Ah, mi hermano Alvin ha tratado de actuar inteligentemente una vez más y ha fallado miserablemente. ¡Pero Ay! ¿Qué puedo hacer al respecto? Solo puedo compadecerlo...

Alvin: Whaaaa??? W-what did you say? Was it about me? You know what? Forget it. I don't wanna know.

Jeanette: Tal vez deberías intentar Enseña a tu pobre hermano Simón, en lugar de compadecerlo, para que aprenda de ti tu inteligencia. Pero ay. ¿Que puedo hacer? Solo puedo aconsejarte. *raises an eyebrow*

Simon: J-Jeanette! *chuckles nervously* I- You- How- You speak Spanish too?

Jeanette: Yeeeeaaah... I kinda understood every word you said, mi amigo. *laughs and winks*

Simon: I-

Eleanor: O-o-okayyy... um, anyways, welcome back to the Chipmunk Podcast! We had a, um, an unexpected Spanish start to today's episode.

Theodore: I'm learning Spanish too! *turns to the camera* ¿Alguno de ustedes habla español?

Eleanor: Aw man! YOU too, Theo? Am I the only one not getting this whole Spanish thing? Hey, Britt!

Brittany: *looks up from her nails* Ya?

Eleanor: Do you- Oh... you didn't hear a word of any of that, did you?

Brittany: What didn't I hear?

Eleanor: N-never mind. Well, it goes to show you how captivating nails can be... to SOME people. *eye roll* Anywho, today's episode is a little different.

Theodore: Today's question is actually coming from the author of this Ask & Dare Book!


Author (Me): *walks in* Well hello, everyone!

All: Heyyy!

Me: I, @cute_oatmeal_stories, have a question for you guys this time, specifically for Simon and Jeanette.

Simon: I-I don't know whether I should be terrified or relieved...

Me: Both, Simon, both. Now... We all saw the two smart Chipmunks having that conversation in Spanish which, by the way, I understood every word of it. *smirks*

Jeanette: Whoops-

Me: Sooo, here's my question: "Who is the smarter Chipmunk: Simon, or Jeanette?"

All: Oooohhhh...

Alvin: Damn, guys! This is gonna 'cause some arguments. I hope nobody breaks a leg by the end of this.

Brittany: Easy. My sister, of course. *places her hands on Jeanette's shoulders*

Alvin: Nuh-uh! It's definitely Simon!

Me: Simon, Jeanette: what do you guys think? Who's the bigger intellectual?

Simon: Well...

Jeanette: You see...

Brittany: *elbows them* UGH, guys! Don't be shy about it. Nobody's feelings'll get hurt. Just say what you think.

Me: Yeah, guys. Brittany's right... which is something I thought I'd never say...

Brittany: Hey!

Simon: Alright, let's lay out the facts. I'm a straight-A student, as you probably must know-

Me: *eye roll* Yes, Simon, you've made it VERY clear to us that you get 100% on pretty much everything. Now, please continue.

Simon: And Jeanette tends to get a B here and there, unlike myself. PLUS, whenever you guys have a question or need something doing, I'm usually the first one you guys approach.

Me: Soooo... you're tryina say you're the smarter one?

Simon: Um, well, now let's not jump to conclusions. I...

Me: Well, that settles it, folks. Simon is the smarter-

Brittany: Now hold on a second. Let's hear Jeanette's opinion on this.

Jeanette: Yeah. I think Simon wins this one.

Me: A-are you sure you don't have any qualities Simon doesn't have?

Jeanette: Although... I'm pretty good at solving problems, like Sherlock Holmes! I guess I've read enough detective stories to solve cases pretty easily-

Theodore: Yeah! Remember when I lost Talkin' Teddy once, and you found him with Ms. Croner!

Jeanette: My point exactly!

Alvin: *shudders* Please don't remind me of that time when I had to eat that disgusting jam... What flavour even was it?

Jeanette: Pepper cranberry marmalade, I believe.

Theodore: What are you talking about, Alvin? It tasted delicious! It was better than a birthday cake.

Eleanor: You managed to solve the case all on your own. That makes you pretty smart, Jeanette.

Jeanette: Aww! Thanks, Ellie.

Me: Such a beautiful sister moment! See, Simon? Jeanette's pretty talented too.

Simon: But I never said she wasn't!

Me: Sure you didn't.

Alvin: Oh! I just remembered something else! You're gonna have to forgive me for bringing this up though, Si.

Simon: Um?

Alvin: In one of the newer ALVINNN!!! episodes Zeela the Great, Jeanette made Zeela the tobot which proved to be better than Simon's robot Geizmo.

Me: Oooh... current evidence seems to be pointing toward Jeanette as the smarter one. I think we should let the viewers answer this one: comment below who you think is the smarter one...

Theodore: But who do YOU think is smarter, author?

Me: See... I could answer this question, but I don't wanna cause any controversy... bye, guys! *runs away*

Simon & Jeanette: Well that was uncomfortable- wait, did we just say that at the same time?

Me: *whispers to the camera* Personally, I think Simon's the smarter one, since he's usually the inventor and the one who gets the highest grades. But until next time, BYEEE!!! Or should I say, adios! *wink*

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