Episode 19: Alvin, eat your hat

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Theodore: *adjusts camera* Action!

The Chipettes: Hey, y'all!

Jeanette: Sorry we couldn't be there for the last episode, guys.

Brittany: Yeah. We were-

Simon: At an interview with the best-ever guitar player Derek Clayton. We KNOW.

Alvin: Speaking of which, how was it?

Eleanor: Oh, it was-

Alvin: Yeah, okay, that's enough. Let's get on with the podcast.

Eleanor: B-b-but... I didn't even get to say anyth-

Alvin: That's sad, isn't it?

Brittany: Stop bickering, you two!

Simon: *laughs* Look who's talking? The QUEEN of arguing!

Jeanette: Aaaanywho... before this drama becomes a nightmare... we have a dare from @Aaminah246, saying "I dare Alvin to eat his hat!"

Alvin: What. The. Heck?

All: *laugh hysterically*

Brittany: Eat your hat? Oh, that'll be fun.

Alvin: For YOU, maybe.

Brittany: Well, go on. Take off that ugly thing of yours and stuff it already. Hats are dumb anyway.

Alvin: But it's my hat! I LOVE it! It has the very mojo that-

Simon: Alright, we're not having this discussion again! The mojo is INSIDE OF YOU! End of.

Jeanette: A dare's a dare, Alvin.

Alvin: I don't want to eat it! I LOVE MY HAT! I'm not gonna eat it! Besides, how am I supposed to do that anyway?

Eleanor: *begins chanting* Eat your hat! Eat your hat! Eat your hat!

The Chipettes: *begin chanting* Eat your hat! Eat your hat! Eat your hat! Eat your hat!

All: *all join in chanting* Eat your hat! Eat your hat! Eat your-

Alvin: OKAY, FINE! I'll do it, if it'll stop you chanting 'eat your hat'.

Brittany: Well, do it, then!

Alvin: I'm gonna!

Eleanor: Hurry up! We ain't got all day!

Alvin: Well, suck it, you bucket. You're gonna be here a while anyway. Believe it or not, stomachs weren't actually designed for eating clothes.

Theodore, Jeanette & Eleanor: *giggle*

Alvin: So it's gonna take me a while to digest this little cap over here.

Simon: This isn't actually healthy for you.

Alvin: Exactly! See, guys? You heard the doc! It's not healthy for me to eat it!

Brittany: *sigh* Since when have you ever listened to Simon?

Alvin: Since today, Brittany. I'm a changed man now.

Brittany: You're a chipmunk.

Alvin: And you're a diva.

Brittany: *through gritted teeth* THANK YOU.

Alvin: Pleasure's all mine. *gives a sly smile*

Eleanor: This is gonna take FOREVER! I'm out! *leaves the living room*

Jeanette: I'm with you, Ellie. *runs to her*

Theodore: Wait for me! *leaves too*

Simon: Well... if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. *daintily walks off*

Brittany: Buh-bye, Alvin!


Alvin's all alone, staring at his hat. Is it time for him to lose his most prized possession? His thoughts continued for an hour. The Chipmunks and Chipettes all returned to see him still holding his hat, refusing to eat it.

Eleanor: Seriously? You still haven't eaten it?

Jeanette: Aw man!

Simon: Good thing we left while we could.

Alvin: I'd like to make a speech before this hat dies. My red cap was a good friend to own, and it was an honour to-

Brittany: *snatches the cap from Alvin and stuffs it in his mouth*

Alvin: I- mfff mfff mlrupfffarrrff...

Brittany: What was that? I couldn't quite hear you... *smirks* NOW EAT. Eat it like your life depends on it.

Fifteen painful minutes later...

Brittany: Now that wasn't so hard, was it?

Simon: *knocks on the bathroom door* Hey, Alvin? You okay in there?

Alvin: *muffled voice from the restroom* Aaaarrrghhh... my stomach hurts soo- *barfs* BLEERRRGHHHH!!!

Eleanor: *shudders* Gross.

Jeanette: I kinda feel bad for the guy. I mean, it must've been pretty rough for him to have to eat his beloved cap.

Brittany: Okay, sweetie, you don't have to feel bad for ALVIN. He deserves it.

Alvin: *muffled voice* I can hear you, Britt!

Brittany: Well, good! Now you know how I feel about you!

Another thirty painful minutes later...

Alvin: *dizzy and sick* Now who's buying me another cap?

Simon: Ummm... I think I've got to go... BYE! *runs far away*

Theodore: Yeah! I've got a, um, thing to do... at the, um, thing. See ya! *walks off*

Brittany: Sayonara! *leaves the living room*

Jeanette & Eleanor: BYE! *both run away*

Alvin: *sigh* All alone... left with my thoughts... Hold that thought. *bends down and barfs really hard, covering the ground in a vomit carpet*

Loving the visual? 🤢 🤮

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